Class RadioPolicyManager

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IDriver, IRadioPolicyManager

public class RadioPolicyManager
extends Object
implements IRadioPolicyManager, IDriver

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
RadioPolicyManager(I802_15_4_MAC macDevice, int initialChannel, short initialPanId, int initialOutputPower)
Method Summary
 void closeBaseStation()
          Used in the host to close down the base station - a no-op if called on a Spot
 void deregisterConnection(IConnectionID conn)
          Notify the policy manager that a connection has closed
 int getChannelNumber()
          Answer the current channel number (between 11 and 26).
 String getDriverName()
          An identifying name for the driver (e.g.
 long getIEEEAddress()
 int getOutputPower()
          Answer the radio output power in decibels.
 short getPanId()
          Answer the current pan ID.
 boolean isRadioReceiverOn()
 void policyHasChanged(IConnectionID conn, RadioPolicy selection)
          Notify the policy manager that a policy has changed
 void registerConnection(IConnectionID conn)
          Notify the policy manager of a new connection
 void setChannelNumber(int channel)
          Set the current channel number (between 11 and 26).
 void setOutputPower(int power)
          Set the radio output power in decibels (between -32 and +31).
 void setPanId(short pid)
          Set the pan ID (should not be -1 or -2, which are reserved in the I802.15.4 standard).
 boolean setRxOn(boolean rxState)
          Attempt to set the radio receiver to on or off
 void setUp()
          Activate or reactivate the driver (after a deep sleep or when another driver refused to deep sleep).
 void shutDown()
          Notify the driver that the VM is about to exit.
 boolean tearDown()
          Deactivate the driver (usually in preparation for deep sleep).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RadioPolicyManager(I802_15_4_MAC macDevice,
                          int initialChannel,
                          short initialPanId,
                          int initialOutputPower)
Method Detail


public void policyHasChanged(IConnectionID conn,
                             RadioPolicy selection)
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Notify the policy manager that a policy has changed

Specified by:
policyHasChanged in interface IRadioPolicyManager
conn - the connection owning the policy that has changed
selection - the required radio state


public void registerConnection(IConnectionID conn)
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Notify the policy manager of a new connection

Specified by:
registerConnection in interface IRadioPolicyManager
conn - the connection being registered


public void deregisterConnection(IConnectionID conn)
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Notify the policy manager that a connection has closed

Specified by:
deregisterConnection in interface IRadioPolicyManager
conn - the connection being deregistered


public boolean isRadioReceiverOn()
Specified by:
isRadioReceiverOn in interface IRadioPolicyManager
true if the radio receiver is currently enabled


public boolean setRxOn(boolean rxState)
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Attempt to set the radio receiver to on or off

Specified by:
setRxOn in interface IRadioPolicyManager
rxState - true for rx on, false for rx off
true if the radio receiver is in the requested state after this call


public String getDriverName()
Description copied from interface: IDriver
An identifying name for the driver (e.g. "AIC" for the AIC driver).

Specified by:
getDriverName in interface IDriver
The driver name


public boolean tearDown()
Description copied from interface: IDriver
Deactivate the driver (usually in preparation for deep sleep). The driver should store any important state and release all resources it has claimed from other drivers.

Drivers are torn down in the inverse order to that in which they registered, so that in general user drivers will be torn down before any underlying system drivers.

Specified by:
tearDown in interface IDriver
True if the driver is able to deactivate, false if it cannot deactivate (e.g. due to being busy with a data transfer). If any driver returns false, no deep sleep occurs and all other drivers will be reactivated.


public void shutDown()
Description copied from interface: IDriver
Notify the driver that the VM is about to exit.

Specified by:
shutDown in interface IDriver


public void setUp()
Description copied from interface: IDriver
Activate or reactivate the driver (after a deep sleep or when another driver refused to deep sleep). The driver should claim all the resources it needs from other drivers and reinitialize its hardware. It should also restore any state saved before tearDown.

Drivers are set up in the order that they registered, so that in general user drivers will be set up after any underlying system drivers.

Specified by:
setUp in interface IDriver


public int getChannelNumber()
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Answer the current channel number (between 11 and 26).

Specified by:
getChannelNumber in interface IRadioPolicyManager
current channel number


public long getIEEEAddress()
Specified by:
getIEEEAddress in interface IRadioPolicyManager
the 64-bit IEEE address of this device


public int getOutputPower()
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Answer the radio output power in decibels.

Specified by:
getOutputPower in interface IRadioPolicyManager
- radio output power


public short getPanId()
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Answer the current pan ID.

Specified by:
getPanId in interface IRadioPolicyManager
current pan ID


public void setChannelNumber(int channel)
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Set the current channel number (between 11 and 26).

Specified by:
setChannelNumber in interface IRadioPolicyManager
channel - - the new channel number


public void setOutputPower(int power)
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Set the radio output power in decibels (between -32 and +31). NB. The range given is the I802.15.4 standard range. In practice, the CC2420 radio has a range of power settings that do not map precisely to particular decibel levels. In particular, for all channels other than 26, any value from 0 to 31 db will set to radio to maximum power which is 0 db. For channel 26, the maximum power is -3 db, which will be set for all input values from -3 to 31 db. In both cases, setting a lower decibel level may result in reading back a different value, because only 22 CC2420 power levels are available and so some correspond to more than one decibel level.

Specified by:
setOutputPower in interface IRadioPolicyManager
power - - new power setting in decibels.


public void setPanId(short pid)
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Set the pan ID (should not be -1 or -2, which are reserved in the I802.15.4 standard).

Specified by:
setPanId in interface IRadioPolicyManager
pid - - the new pan ID


public void closeBaseStation()
Description copied from interface: IRadioPolicyManager
Used in the host to close down the base station - a no-op if called on a Spot

Specified by:
closeBaseStation in interface IRadioPolicyManager


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