
Interface Summary
ICopiable Interface for objects that may be passed in ObjectEnvelopes between Isolates.

Class Summary
ByteArrayEnvelope A ByteArrayEnvelope can be used to pass a byte array, or subsection of a byte array through a Channel.
ByteArrayInputStreamEnvelope A ByteArrayInputStreamEnvelope can be used to pass a byte array, or subsection of a byte array, as a ByteArrayInputStream.
Channel A Channel is a private bidirectional message passing mechanism, typically between Isolates.
Envelope Abstract class for messages passed through Channels.
ObjectEnvelope A ObjectEnvelope can be used to pass a copy of an ICopiable object between isolates.
ServerChannel Given that a Channel is a one-to-one connection between two isolates, a ServerChannel provides a factory to create new Channels by name.

Exception Summary
AddressClosedException This exception is thrown when trying to send to a closed MailboxAddress, or when reading from a Mailbox, and the MailBoxHandler is managing a private address that has closed.
MailboxClosedException This exception is thrown when trying to receive from a closed Mailbox.
MailboxInUseException This exception is thrown when trying to send to register a mailbox under a name, and that name is already used.
NoSuchMailboxException This exception is thrown when trying to send to register a mailbox under a name, and that name is already used.


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