
Access to the hardware peripherals built in to the Sun SPOT main board.


Interface Summary
IAT91_AIC The interface to the AT91 Interrupt Controller.
IAT91_Peripherals This interface provides symbolic access to the RM9200 peripheral ids.
IAT91_PIO Interface to the AT91 Parallel I/O Controller.
IAT91_PowerManager Interface to the AT91 power manager for the Sun SPOT, allowing peripheral power consumption to be controlled by switching the peripheral clocks on or off.
IAT91_TC Interface to an AT91 Timer Counter.
IDriver Interface for all device drivers participating in the deep sleep setUp/tearDown process controlled by the DriverRegistry.
IFlashMemoryDevice Interface to flash memory devices on the main Spot board and external boards.
ILed Represents a simple one-colour LED
ILTC3455 Interface to LTC3455 power control chip on the Spot.
IMultipleHopConnection Connections that implement IMultipleHopConnection support adjustment of the number of hops between nodes that messages can make.
ISpiMaster Interface to the SPI master controller.
ISpot The interface to the root object of the Spot base library.
ISpotPins Interface to provide PIOPin objects representing pins assigned to various external functions on the Spot board.
ITimeoutableConnection This interface represents any Connection between a pair of Spots that can timeout on receiving data.
TimerCounterBits Timer counter bit definitions

See headings in the source file for more information


Class Summary
AbstractAT91_PIO AbstractAT91_PIO
BoundedInputStream Wraps a parent InputStream with an input stream on the assumptions that the first four bytes of the parent's content are a Java int which tells us how many more valid bytes remain in the parent.
BoundedOutputStream An output stream that writes the length of the data at the start.
ConfigPage Each Spot reserves some flash memory for configuration information.
DriverRegistry Acts as a registry for drivers that need to be aware of deep sleep.
FiqInterruptDaemon The FiqInterruptDaemon gives access to the handlers used for various notifications from the power controller.
NorFlashSector Define a segment of memory which is defined as being of type NOR Flash.
PIOPin A PIOPin is a convenient way of manipulating an individual PIO pin.
RadioConnectionBase Abstract base class for classes that implement a radio Connection that can time out if an expected acknowledgment doesn't arrive for a sent packet.
Spot The class of the root object of the Spot base library.

Exception Summary
ChannelBusyException Thrown when an attempt to transmit over the radio fails because the channel is busy - and remains busy for a full set of retries.
NoAckException Thrown when an attempt to transmit over the radio fails because no acknowledgement is received within the time limit specified in the I802.15.4 standard.
SpotFatalException This class represents all API precondition violations by client programs.
TimeoutException Thrown when an attempt to receive data over either a "radiostream:" or "radiogram:" connection fails due to a read timeout being exceeded.
UnableToDeepSleepException This exception is thrown when an attempt to ensure a deep sleep fails because deep sleep is impossible.

Package Description

Access to the hardware peripherals built in to the Sun SPOT main board. Normally you should access the individual components via interfaces obtained from the singleton instance of Spot. For example:

... ILed the greenLed = Spot.getInstance().getGreenLed(); ...

See Also:
"Sun SPOT Developers' Guide"


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