Class EDemoController

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IExternalBoard, IDriver, IADCController, IGPIOController, ILightSensorController, IServoController, ISwitchController, IToneGeneratorController, ITriColorLEDController, Isolate.LifecycleListener

public class EDemoController
extends AtmegaExternalBoard
implements IDriver, IADCController, ISwitchController, ITriColorLEDController, IServoController, IGPIOController, ILightSensorController, IToneGeneratorController, Isolate.LifecycleListener

This class manages the SPI interfaces and communications to the reachable parts on the EDemoBoard, namely the Atmega88, the Analog to Digital Converter, and the flash eeprom. ( some of this is done by superclasses ) Controller interfaces use a model of interaction that allows for behaviours of the controlled functionality to be modified by implementing the accessor interfaces. The end user is meant to request on of these accessor objects and then use their methods to interact with the Controller. The implementor of the Controller should also be responsible for implementing the accessor object as these concrete classes are assumed to be tightly bound. At the same time it is possible to call the methods that actually implement the low level behaviour in the controller, this is generally disuaded, however there are circumstances where the user may want to bypass the sanity checking in order to reduce the latency as much as possible. Note: whenever a servo is active, deep sleep will not happen.

arshan, Ron Goldman

Field Summary
static PinDescriptor A0
          Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor A1
          Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor A2
          Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor A3
          Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor A4
          Analog-to-Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor A5
          Analog-to-Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor ACCEL_FULLSCALE
          Internal pin used to operate the accelerometer.
static PinDescriptor ACCEL_SELFTEST
          Internal pin used to operate the accelerometer.
static PinDescriptor ACCEL_X
          Descriptor for X Axis accelerometer reading, this is an internal connection.
static PinDescriptor ACCEL_Y
          Descriptor for Y Axis accelerometer reading, this is an internal connection.
static PinDescriptor ACCEL_Z
          Descriptor for Z Axis accelerometer reading, this is an internal connection.
static PinDescriptor D0
          TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor D1
          TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor D2
          TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor D3
          TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor D4
          TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor H0
          High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor H1
          High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor H2
          High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor H3
          High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED1
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED2
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED3
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED4
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED5
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED6
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED7
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LED8
          Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware
static PinDescriptor LIGHTSENSOR
          Descriptor for LightSensor, this is an internal connection.
static PinDescriptor POWER_ENABLE
          Internal pin used to enable the op-amp and shift registers that drive the LEDs.
static PinDescriptor SW1
          Switch 0, matches silkscreening on the hardware.
static PinDescriptor SW2
          Switch 1, matches silkscreening on the hardware.
static PinDescriptor TEMPERATURE
          Descriptor for internal thermometer reading, this is internal to the ADC chip---a virtual pin.
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Method Summary
 void accelerometerScaleChanged(int newScale)
          Called by accelerometer when it changes its scale.
 void andRegister(int reg, int val)
          Perform an AND assignment to one of the registers in the Atmega88 controller.
 boolean areThresholdEventsEnabled(IScalarInput pin)
          Return whether threshold events are enabled or disabled.
 int availableUART()
          Check if there are any available characters read by the UART.
 void disablePinChangeInterrupts(IInputPin pin)
          Stop a pin generating pin change interrupts.
 void enablePinChangeInterrupts(IInputPin pin)
          Allow the input pin specified to generate pin change interrupts.
 void enableThresholdEvents(IScalarInput pin, boolean enable)
          Enable or disable threshold events.
static void error(String txt)
          Report an error with regard to the EDemoBoard.
 IAccelerometer3D getAccelerometer()
          Convenience method to return the built in accelerometer.
 IADT7411 getADC()
          Convenience function to get an object that corresponds to the ADC on the EDemoBoard.
 ITemperatureInput getADCTemperature()
          Get the internal temperature sensor on the ADC on the EDemoBoard.
 int getBlueLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Get the current blue color value for the indicated LED This method is meant to be used by an accessor object to the ITriColorLEDController.
 String getDriverName()
          Returns the name that should be used by the IDriver subsystem.
 int[] getFirmwareVersion()
          Get the major and minor version information from the firmware running on the EDemoBoard.
 int getGreenLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Get the current green color value for the indicated LED This method is meant to be used by an accessor object to the ITriColorLEDController.
 int getHighThreshold(IScalarInput pin)
          Return the current high threshold value.
 IIOPin[] getIOPins()
          Method to return an array of the builtin bidirectional digital pins.
 ITriColorLED[] getLEDs()
          Convienence method that returns an array of all the built in LEDs.
 ILightSensor getLightSensor()
          Return light sensor object.
 int getLightSensorValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Get the current value of a lightsensor accessor connected to a particular pin.
 int getLowThreshold(IScalarInput pin)
          Return the current low threshold value.
 IOutputPin[] getOutputPins()
          Method to return an array of the builtin high current output pins.
 boolean getPinDirection(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Get the current direction for the specified input/output pin.
 boolean getPinValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Returns the value of the pin.
 int getPulse(PinDescriptor pidx, boolean dir, int timeout)
          Ask the controller for a measurement of an incoming pulse on some input pin.
 int getRedLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Get the current red color value for the indicated LED This method is meant to be used by an accessor object to the ITriColorLEDController.
 int getRegister(int reg)
          Peek method for the atmega firmware.
 IScalarInput[] getScalarInputs()
          Method to return an array of the builtin analog input pins.
 int getScalarValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Returns a scalar value for indicated pin from the ADC.
 ISwitch[] getSwitches()
          Return an array of all the built in switches on the board.
 boolean getSwitchState(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Get the current state of a switch connected to the indicated pin.
 void handleLifecycleListenerEvent(Isolate iso, int eventKind)
          This method will be called when the lifecycle event occurs on the isolate that this listener was registered for using addLifecycleListener.
 void initUART(int baud, boolean two_stopbit)
          Initialize the UART module, set the speed and select the number of stop bits.
 void initUART(int baud, int databits, int parity, int stopbits)
          Initialize the UART module on the Atmega note that all valid parameters are defined in EDemoBoard class SERIAL_SPEED_* SERIAL_DATABITS_* SERIAL_PARITY_* SERIAL_STOPBITS_*
 boolean isOnLED(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Return if the LED is on or off.
static void main(String[] args)
          Called by Spot class when master isolate is started up.
static void msg(String txt)
          Deliver message to user.
 void orRegister(int reg, int val)
          Perform an OR assignment to one of the registers in the Atmega88 controller.
 int readUART(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Read the next byte from the UART plus any more currently available bytes.
 byte readUART(long timeout)
          Get the next byte from the UART.
protected  void setDebugLevel(int x)
          Change the verbosity of the EDemoBoard.
 void setLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx, int r, int g, int b)
          Set the RGB values of the indicated LED.
 void setOnLED(PinDescriptor pidx, boolean on)
          Turn the LED on or off
 void setPinDirection(PinDescriptor pidx, boolean output)
          Set the mask for the indicated pin to the indicated direction.
 void setPinValue(PinDescriptor pidx, boolean high)
          Set the output value of the indicated pin.
 void setPWM(PinDescriptor pidx, int duty)
          Request the controller maintain a pwm signal on a gpio pin.
 void setRegister(int reg, int val)
          Poke method for the Atmega88 controller, allows user to set low level registers on the part.
 void setServoPulseWidth(PinDescriptor pidx, int usec)
          Ask the controller to maintain a servo pulsewidth of some length.
 void setThresholdValues(IScalarInput ipin, int low, int high)
          Set the low and high threshold values for this scalar input.
 void setTone(PinDescriptor pidx, int period)
          Ask the controller to start a tone on the indicated pin.
 void setUp()
          Perform any tasks necessary for initial setup, and return from hibernation.
 void shutDown()
          Notify the driver that the VM is about to exit.
 void startPulse(PinDescriptor pidx, boolean dir, int usec)
          Ask the controller to issue a pulse on the indicated pin.
 boolean supportsThresholdEvents(PinDescriptor pidx)
          Returns whether the underlying hardware supports threshold events.
 boolean tearDown()
          Record interrupt state so it can be restored later.
static void warning(String txt)
          Report a warning with regard to the EDemoBoard.
 void writeUART(byte val)
          Send a byte over the UART.
 void writeUART(byte[] msg, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to the UART.
 void writeUART(String msg)
          Send a string over the UART.
Methods inherited from class
getAtmega, getAtmegaSPI, getProgrammingSPI, setAtmega
Methods inherited from class
forceChipSelectPin, getBoardIndex, getProperties, getSerialFlash, hardwareNotValid, isInstalled, newBoardDeviceSPI, setProperties
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final PinDescriptor LED1
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LED2
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LED3
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LED4
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LED5
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LED6
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LED7
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LED8
Tri-color LED Identifier, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor A0
Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor A1
Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor A2
Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor A3
Analog to Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor LIGHTSENSOR
Descriptor for LightSensor, this is an internal connection. There is no matching silkscreened value.


public static final PinDescriptor ACCEL_X
Descriptor for X Axis accelerometer reading, this is an internal connection. There is no matching silkscreened value.


public static final PinDescriptor ACCEL_Y
Descriptor for Y Axis accelerometer reading, this is an internal connection. There is no matching silkscreened value.


public static final PinDescriptor ACCEL_Z
Descriptor for Z Axis accelerometer reading, this is an internal connection. There is no matching silkscreened value.


public static final PinDescriptor TEMPERATURE
Descriptor for internal thermometer reading, this is internal to the ADC chip---a virtual pin.


public static final PinDescriptor H0
High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor H1
High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor H2
High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor H3
High current output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor D0
TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor D1
TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor D2
TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor D3
TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor D4
TTL level general purpose input/output pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor SW1
Switch 0, matches silkscreening on the hardware. This switch can also be driven by an external switch by using the SW1 pin on the header.


public static final PinDescriptor SW2
Switch 1, matches silkscreening on the hardware. This switch can also be driven by an external switch by using the SW2 pin on the header.


public static final PinDescriptor A4
Analog-to-Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor A5
Analog-to-Digital convertor input pin, matches silkscreening on the hardware


public static final PinDescriptor ACCEL_SELFTEST
Internal pin used to operate the accelerometer. There is no matching mark on the hardware.


public static final PinDescriptor ACCEL_FULLSCALE
Internal pin used to operate the accelerometer. There is no matching mark on the hardware.


public static final PinDescriptor POWER_ENABLE
Internal pin used to enable the op-amp and shift registers that drive the LEDs. Clears the shift registers, hi -> on There is no matching mark on the hardware.

Method Detail


public static void main(String[] args)
Called by Spot class when master isolate is started up. Let's us setup the master EDemoBoard threads to process interrupts & deal with proxies in child isolates. Be careful not to throw any errors if there is no EDemoBoard present.

args - ignored


public void enablePinChangeInterrupts(IInputPin pin)
Allow the input pin specified to generate pin change interrupts. An interrupt can be generated on a low-to-high transition, a high-to-low transition, or both. After enabling the interrupt use:
 synchronized(pin.getIndex()) { pin.getIndex().wait(); } 
to wait for it. Enabling a pin change interrupt does not inhibit deep sleep. Note: only the master isolate actually interacts with the hardware. Any child isolates send a request to enable interrupts to the master isolate. Upon an interrupt the master isolate will send a message to the child isolate.

Specified by:
enablePinChangeInterrupts in interface IGPIOController
pin - the input pin


public void disablePinChangeInterrupts(IInputPin pin)
Stop a pin generating pin change interrupts.

Specified by:
disablePinChangeInterrupts in interface IGPIOController
pin - the input pin


public void handleLifecycleListenerEvent(Isolate iso,
                                         int eventKind)
Description copied from interface: Isolate.LifecycleListener
This method will be called when the lifecycle event occurs on the isolate that this listener was registered for using addLifecycleListener.

Specified by:
handleLifecycleListenerEvent in interface Isolate.LifecycleListener
iso - the isolate that had the lifecycle event
eventKind - the lifecycle event that occurred. One of Isolate.SHUTDOWN_EVENT_MASK, Isolate.HIBERNATE_EVENT_MASK, or Isolate.UNHIBERNATE_EVENT_MASK
See Also:
Isolate.addLifecycleListener(com.sun.squawk.Isolate.LifecycleListener, int), Isolate.exit(int), Isolate.hibernate(), Isolate.unhibernate()


public String getDriverName()
Returns the name that should be used by the IDriver subsystem.

Specified by:
getDriverName in interface IDriver
a human readable string identifying the EDemoBoard


public boolean tearDown()
Record interrupt state so it can be restored later.

Specified by:
tearDown in interface IDriver
true if successful, false if any servos are currently active


public void shutDown()
Notify the driver that the VM is about to exit.

Specified by:
shutDown in interface IDriver


public void setUp()
Perform any tasks necessary for initial setup, and return from hibernation.

Specified by:
setUp in interface IDriver


public int[] getFirmwareVersion()
Get the major and minor version information from the firmware running on the EDemoBoard. The array will have the major revision at position 0 and minor revision at position 1.

major and minor version information


public IADT7411 getADC()
Convenience function to get an object that corresponds to the ADC on the EDemoBoard.

a-to-d converter


public ITemperatureInput getADCTemperature()
Get the internal temperature sensor on the ADC on the EDemoBoard.

accessor object for ADC internal temperature sensor


public IScalarInput[] getScalarInputs()
Method to return an array of the builtin analog input pins. Note this is only the analog input pins, A0-A5, that are built into the edemo board

IScalarInput array of all built in analog input pins


public int getScalarValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
Returns a scalar value for indicated pin from the ADC. This method is meant to be used by accessor objects of the IADCController interface. This method results directly in a read from the ADC part on the EDemoboard. This method can be used directly, however this will bypass the sanity checking done by the EDemoBoard class.

Specified by:
getScalarValue in interface IADCController
pidx - pin to probe
current value from ADC registers


public boolean supportsThresholdEvents(PinDescriptor pidx)
Returns whether the underlying hardware supports threshold events.

Specified by:
supportsThresholdEvents in interface IADCController
true if threshold events are supported


public void setThresholdValues(IScalarInput ipin,
                               int low,
                               int high)
Set the low and high threshold values for this scalar input. Callbacks occur when the scalar input reading falls below or equal to the low threshold value, or when it rises above or equal to the high threshold value.

Specified by:
setThresholdValues in interface IADCController
ipin - pin to be read
low - the new low threshold value.
high - the new high threshold value.


public int getLowThreshold(IScalarInput pin)
Return the current low threshold value.

Specified by:
getLowThreshold in interface IADCController
pin - pin to be read
the current low threshold value.


public int getHighThreshold(IScalarInput pin)
Return the current high threshold value.

Specified by:
getHighThreshold in interface IADCController
pin - pin to be read
the current high threshold value.


public void enableThresholdEvents(IScalarInput pin,
                                  boolean enable)
Enable or disable threshold events.

Specified by:
enableThresholdEvents in interface IADCController
pin - the pin to be read
enable - if true then listeners will be notified if the scalar input reading goes above the high threshold or below the low threshold.


public boolean areThresholdEventsEnabled(IScalarInput pin)
Return whether threshold events are enabled or disabled.

Specified by:
areThresholdEventsEnabled in interface IADCController
pin - pin to be read
true if events are enabled


public ILightSensor getLightSensor()
Return light sensor object.

accessor object to built in light sensor


public int getLightSensorValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
Get the current value of a lightsensor accessor connected to a particular pin. This method is meant to be used by accessor objects to the ILightSensorController interface. It bypasses the sanity checks that are assumed to be done by the accessors and results directly in traffic on the SPI bus.

Specified by:
getLightSensorValue in interface ILightSensorController
pidx - pin that the sensor is attached to
current value for sensor as reported by ADC


public ITriColorLED[] getLEDs()
Convienence method that returns an array of all the built in LEDs.

ITriColorLED array that can control all built in LEDs


public void setOnLED(PinDescriptor pidx,
                     boolean on)
Turn the LED on or off

Specified by:
setOnLED in interface ITriColorLEDController
pidx - desired LED descriptor
on - turn LED on if true


public boolean isOnLED(PinDescriptor pidx)
Return if the LED is on or off.

Specified by:
isOnLED in interface ITriColorLEDController
pidx - desired LED descriptor
true if the LED is currently on


public void setLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx,
                        int r,
                        int g,
                        int b)
Set the RGB values of the indicated LED. This method is meant to be used by an accessor object to the ITriColorLEDController. This method bypasses sanity checks and results directly in traffic on the SPI bus to the Atmega microcontroller.

Specified by:
setLEDValue in interface ITriColorLEDController
pidx - Tri Color LED pin
r - value of red segment
g - value of green segment
b - value of blue segment


public int getRedLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
Get the current red color value for the indicated LED This method is meant to be used by an accessor object to the ITriColorLEDController. This method bypasses sanity checks.

Specified by:
getRedLEDValue in interface ITriColorLEDController
pidx - desired LED descriptor
current red intensity of the LED


public int getGreenLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
Get the current green color value for the indicated LED This method is meant to be used by an accessor object to the ITriColorLEDController. This method bypasses sanity checks.

Specified by:
getGreenLEDValue in interface ITriColorLEDController
pidx - desired LED descriptor
current green intensity of the LED


public int getBlueLEDValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
Get the current blue color value for the indicated LED This method is meant to be used by an accessor object to the ITriColorLEDController. This method bypasses sanity checks.

Specified by:
getBlueLEDValue in interface ITriColorLEDController
pidx - desired LED descriptor
current blue intensity of the LED


public ISwitch[] getSwitches()
Return an array of all the built in switches on the board.

An ISwitch array of all built in switches


public boolean getSwitchState(PinDescriptor pidx)
Get the current state of a switch connected to the indicated pin. This method is meant to be used by classes implementing ISwitch to correspond to their SwitchControllers. This method results in an SPI transaction with the microcontroller on the DemoBoard, and can be called directly if you wish to bypass any state caching done for you, but be careful.

Specified by:
getSwitchState in interface ISwitchController
pidx - pin that switch is connected to
value representing the current state of switch


public IIOPin[] getIOPins()
Method to return an array of the builtin bidirectional digital pins. Note this is only the bidirectional digital pins, D0-D4, that are built into the edemo board

IIOPin array of all built in bidirectional digital pins


public IOutputPin[] getOutputPins()
Method to return an array of the builtin high current output pins. Note this is only the high current output pins, H0-H3, that are built into the edemo board

IOutputPin array of all built in high current output pins


public void setPinValue(PinDescriptor pidx,
                        boolean high)
Set the output value of the indicated pin. This method is meant to be used by accessor objects to the IGPIOController, and bypasses the sanity checks that are assumed to be done by those accessors.

Specified by:
setPinValue in interface IGPIOController
pidx - pin to set the value of
high - value to set the pin to, true sets pin to Vdd


public boolean getPinValue(PinDescriptor pidx)
Returns the value of the pin. This method is meant to be used by accessor objects to the IGPIOController, and bypasses the sanity checks that are assumed to be done by those accessors.

Specified by:
getPinValue in interface IGPIOController
pidx - pin to get the value of
current binary value of the pin


public void setPinDirection(PinDescriptor pidx,
                            boolean output)
                     throws IOPinException
Set the mask for the indicated pin to the indicated direction. This method is meant to be used by accessor objects to the IGPIOController, and bypasses the sanity checks that are assumed to be done by those accessors.

Specified by:
setPinDirection in interface IGPIOController
pidx - pin to be modified
output - true if user wants the pin to be an output
IOPinException - attempt to set pin to illegal direction


public boolean getPinDirection(PinDescriptor pidx)
Get the current direction for the specified input/output pin. This method is meant to be used by accessor objects to the IGPIOController, and bypasses the sanity checks that are assumed to be done by those accessors.

Specified by:
getPinDirection in interface IGPIOController
pidx - pin to be modified
true if pin is currently an output pin


public void startPulse(PinDescriptor pidx,
                       boolean dir,
                       int usec)
Ask the controller to issue a pulse on the indicated pin. The pulse is accurate in terms of microseconds but the start time of the pulse may be affected by a bit of latency. Only one pulse may be active at a time. Minimum pulse length is about 25usec.

pidx - pin to issure pulse on
dir - direction of desired pulse, true = high, false = low
usec - length of pulse in microseconds [1:65535]


public int getPulse(PinDescriptor pidx,
                    boolean dir,
                    int timeout)
Ask the controller for a measurement of an incoming pulse on some input pin. The pulse width can range from 25usec to 65536usec. Pulses longer than 65536usec will be recorded as 65536usec. Timing will begin at the edge of the pulse in the indicated direction and timing will stop when the opposing edge is seen. If timing is not started in time for first edge, the next pulse will be the one measured. Only one pulse measurement may be active at one time. Calling getPulse() again while a previous call was still pending will terminate the old call and may introduce additional latency before checking for the initial edge begins.

pidx - pin to measure pulse on
dir - direction of desired pulse, true = high, false = low
timeout - how many milliseconds to wait for start of pulse (set to 0 for no timeout)
length of measured pulse in microseconds or zero if no pulse seen before timeout


public IAccelerometer3D getAccelerometer()
Convenience method to return the built in accelerometer.

valid Accelerometer3D accessor object


public void accelerometerScaleChanged(int newScale)
Called by accelerometer when it changes its scale. Should not be called by user code.

newScale - the new scale


public void setServoPulseWidth(PinDescriptor pidx,
                               int usec)
Ask the controller to maintain a servo pulsewidth of some length. The controller will assure that the pulses are generated regularly enough to maintain stable control of a servo. This method is meant to be used by servo accessor objects, using this directly will bypass the sanity checks that are done by the servo object.

Specified by:
setServoPulseWidth in interface IServoController
pidx - pin that the servo is connected to
usec - length of servo pulse in micro seconds


public void setPWM(PinDescriptor pidx,
                   int duty)
Request the controller maintain a pwm signal on a gpio pin. Set the duty to 0, to turn off an existing pwm signal. The control of this pulse generation is coarser then that available using the startPulse method. Note: that the pwm signal will stop during deep sleep and resume when deep sleep is over.

pidx - pin to intiate PWM on
duty - duty cycle out of 255 slices


public void setTone(PinDescriptor pidx,
                    int period)
Ask the controller to start a tone on the indicated pin. Generate a tone on pin idx, note that this is significantly different from just the PWM. This is somewhat taxing on the atmega processor. This method is intended to be used by ToneGenerator accessor objects, using it directly will bypass the sanity checking that is assumed by those objects.

Specified by:
setTone in interface IToneGeneratorController
pidx - pin to generate tone on
period - period of the tone generated, this is modified by internal divisors.


public void setRegister(int reg,
                        int val)
Poke method for the Atmega88 controller, allows user to set low level registers on the part. Note that this is a dangerous thing to do, you can in fact change something that is unrecoverable. You should only use these functions if you know what you are doing, and you should not use register values that are not defined in

reg - Register to set value of, use only those defined statically by Atmega[88].java
val - value to set


public void orRegister(int reg,
                       int val)
Perform an OR assignment to one of the registers in the Atmega88 controller. This method will result in a '|=' of the value passed in with the current value in the register. Note that this is a dangerous thing to do, you can in fact change something that is unrecoverable. You should only use these functions if you know what you are doing, and you should not use register values that are not defined in

reg - register to set value of
val - value to use in operation


public void andRegister(int reg,
                        int val)
Perform an AND assignment to one of the registers in the Atmega88 controller. This method will result in a '&=' of the value passed in with the current value in the register. Note that this is a dangerous thing to do, you can in fact change something that is unrecoverable. You should only use these functions if you know what you are doing, and you should not use register values that are not defined in

reg - register to set value of
val - value to use in operation


public int getRegister(int reg)
Peek method for the atmega firmware. This method allows for reading values straight out of the low level control registers on the microcontroller. Use only the register values as defined statically in the and files.

reg - Register to read value from
current register value


public void initUART(int baud,
                     boolean two_stopbit)
Initialize the UART module, set the speed and select the number of stop bits.

baud - baud speed to set module to, supported speeds are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400 and 57600
two_stopbit - set to true if you want the module setup to send 2 stop bits


public void initUART(int baud,
                     int databits,
                     int parity,
                     int stopbits)
Initialize the UART module on the Atmega note that all valid parameters are defined in EDemoBoard class SERIAL_SPEED_* SERIAL_DATABITS_* SERIAL_PARITY_* SERIAL_STOPBITS_*

baud - requested baud rate
databits - requested databits
parity - requested parity
stopbits - number of stopbits


public void writeUART(byte val)
Send a byte over the UART.

val - the value to send over the uart


public void writeUART(String msg)
Send a string over the UART.

msg - the string message to send over the uart


public void writeUART(byte[] msg,
                      int off,
                      int len)
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to the UART.

msg - the byte array message to send over the uart
off - the start offset in the data
len - the number of bytes to write


public int availableUART()
                  throws IOException
Check if there are any available characters read by the UART.

Note that there are two buffers: one located on the eDemo sensor board that is filled directly by the UART, and a second in Java on the ARM processor board that is filled from the sensor board's buffer. Both buffers can hold 64 bytes. availableUART() returns the number of bytes in the Java-side buffer, unless it is empty, in which case it is refilled from the sensor board.

number of currently available characters in the UART buffer
IOException - if any UART read or overrun errors


public int readUART(byte[] b,
                    int off,
                    int len)
             throws IOException
Read the next byte from the UART plus any more currently available bytes. Blocks until at least one byte of input is available.

b - byte array to store results
off - offset in byte array to store results
len - maximum bytes to read
the number of bytes read
IOException - if any UART read or overrun errors


public byte readUART(long timeout)
              throws IOException
Get the next byte from the UART. Blocks until input is available or timeout has elapsed.

timeout - how many milliseconds to wait for input
the next currently available byte
IOException - if any UART read or overrun errors
TimeoutException - if timeout occurs


protected void setDebugLevel(int x)
Change the verbosity of the EDemoBoard. Range is from 0 to 100. Default is 5

x - desired verbosity setting


public static void error(String txt)
Report an error with regard to the EDemoBoard.

txt - text of error message


public static void warning(String txt)
Report a warning with regard to the EDemoBoard.

txt - Text content of warning message.


public static void msg(String txt)
Deliver message to user. This is the place re-route all warning/errors

txt - Text content of message.


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