
Interfaces and concrete implementations of various peripherals that are either connected to or built into the daughter cards.


Interface Summary
IAccelerometer3D IAccelerometer3D provides methods that should be meaningful for any 3-axis accelerometer.
IAccelerometer3DThresholdListener Implemented by classes wanting a call back when an acceleration sensor value goes above or below specified thresholds.
ILightSensor Simple extension of a scalar type input.
ILightSensorThresholdListener Implemented by classes wanting a call back when the light sensor value goes above or below specified thresholds.
ILIS3L02AQAccelerometerListener Implemented by classes wanting a call back when the accelerometer scale is changed.
IServo Reflect status of and allow control of an industry standard servo.
ISwitch Represents a simple pushbutton switch
ISwitchListener Implemented by classes wanting a call back when the switch state changes.
ITemperatureInput Simple extension of IScalarInput to handle temperature.
ITemperatureInputThresholdListener Implemented by classes wanting a call back when the temperature sensor value goes above or below specified thresholds.
IToneGenerator Interface to represent a simple tone generator.
ITriColorLED Access and control of 3 color LEDs

Class Summary
LEDColor Color class to be used by TriColorLED.
LightSensor Simple extension of ScalarInput.
LIS3L02AQAccelerometer Class to implement an accelerometer on the demo sensor board and provide access to it via the IAccelerometer3D interface.
Servo A basic servo.
Switch Class implementing simple switches, assuming a mapping of open=LOW, closed=HIGH.
TemperatureInput Simple extension of ScalarInput.
ToneGenerator Allows attaching a simple speaker device to an output pin to generate various simple frequencies.
TriColorLED Provides access to the colored LEDs.

Package Description

Interfaces and concrete implementations of various peripherals that are either connected to or built into the daughter cards.


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