Uses of Class

Packages that use UWord

Uses of UWord in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that return UWord
 UWord UWord.and(UWord word)
          Logically AND a word with this word.
static UWord UWord.fromPrimitive(int value)
          Casts a word expressed as the appropriate Java primitive type for the platform (i.e. int or long) into a value of type UWord.
static UWord Unsafe.getUWord(Address base, int offset)
          Gets an unsigned 32 or 64 bit value from memory.
static UWord UWord.max()
          Gets the largest possible machine word.
 UWord UWord.or(UWord word)
          Logically OR a word with this word.
 UWord Address.toUWord()
          Casts this address to a UWord.
 UWord Offset.toUWord()
          Casts a value of type Offset into a UWord.
static UWord
          Gets the canonical UWord representation of null.

Methods in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type UWord
 Address Address.and(UWord word)
          Logically AND a word with this address.
 UWord UWord.and(UWord word)
          Logically AND a word with this word.
 boolean UWord.eq(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is equal to a given word.
 boolean UWord.hi(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is higher than a given word.
 boolean UWord.hieq(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is higher than or equal to a given word.
 boolean UWord.lo(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is lower than a given word.
 boolean UWord.loeq(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is lower than or equal to a given word.
 boolean word2)
          Determines if this word is not equal to a given word.
 Address Address.or(UWord word)
          Logically OR a word with this address.
 UWord UWord.or(UWord word)
          Logically OR a word with this word.
static void VM.printUWord(UWord val)
          Prints an unsigned word to the VM stream.
static void Unsafe.setUWord(Address base, int offset, UWord value)
          Sets a UWord value in memory.


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