Class Connector

  extended by

public class Connector
extends Object

This class is a placeholder for the static methods that are used for creating all the Connection objects.

The creation of Connections is performed dynamically by looking up a protocol implementation class whose name is formed from the platform name (read from a system property) and the protocol name of the requested connection (extracted from the parameter string supplied by the application programmer.) The parameter string that describes the target should conform to the URL format as described in RFC 2396. This takes the general form:


where {scheme} is the name of a protocol such as http}.

The {target} is normally some kind of network address.

Any {parms} are formed as a series of equates of the form ";x=y". Example: ";type=a".

An optional second parameter may be specified to the open function. This is a mode flag that indicates to the protocol handler the intentions of the calling code. The options here specify if the connection is going to be read (READ), written (WRITE), or both (READ_WRITE). The validity of these flag settings is protocol dependent. For instance, a connection for a printer would not allow read access, and would throw an IllegalArgumentException. If the mode parameter is not specified, READ_WRITE is used by default.

An optional third parameter is a boolean flag that indicates if the calling code can handle timeout exceptions. If this flag is set, the protocol implementation may throw an InterruptedIOException when it detects a timeout condition. This flag is only a hint to the protocol handler, and it does not guarantee that such exceptions will actually be thrown. If this parameter is not set, no timeout exceptions will be thrown.

Because connections are frequently opened just to gain access to a specific input or output stream, four convenience functions are provided for this purpose. See also: DatagramConnection for information relating to datagram addressing

1.1 1/7/2000, 1.2 12/8/2000 (comments revised)

Field Summary
static int READ
          Access mode READ.
static int READ_WRITE
          Access mode READ_WRITE.
static int WRITE
          Access mode WRITE.
Method Summary
static Connection open(String name)
          Create and open a Connection.
static Connection open(String name, int mode)
          Create and open a Connection.
static Connection open(String name, int mode, boolean timeouts)
          Create and open a Connection.
static DataInputStream openDataInputStream(String name)
          Create and open a connection input stream.
static DataOutputStream openDataOutputStream(String name)
          Create and open a connection output stream.
static InputStream openInputStream(String name)
          Create and open a connection input stream.
static OutputStream openOutputStream(String name)
          Create and open a connection output stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int READ
Access mode READ.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int READ_WRITE
Access mode READ_WRITE.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WRITE
Access mode WRITE.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static Connection open(String name)
                       throws IOException
Create and open a Connection.

name - The URL for the connection.
A new Connection object.
IllegalArgumentException - If a parameter is invalid.
ConnectionNotFoundException - If the requested connection cannot be make, or the protocol type does not exist.
IOException - If some other kind of I/O error occurs.


public static Connection open(String name,
                              int mode)
                       throws IOException
Create and open a Connection.

name - The URL for the connection.
mode - The access mode.
A new Connection object.
IllegalArgumentException - If a parameter is invalid.
ConnectionNotFoundException - If the requested connection cannot be make, or the protocol type does not exist.
IOException - If some other kind of I/O error occurs.


public static Connection open(String name,
                              int mode,
                              boolean timeouts)
                       throws IOException
Create and open a Connection.

name - The URL for the connection
mode - The access mode
timeouts - A flag to indicate that the caller wants timeout exceptions
A new Connection object
IllegalArgumentException - If a parameter is invalid.
ConnectionNotFoundException - if the requested connection cannot be make, or the protocol type does not exist.
IOException - If some other kind of I/O error occurs.


public static DataInputStream openDataInputStream(String name)
                                           throws IOException
Create and open a connection input stream.

name - The URL for the connection.
A DataInputStream.
IllegalArgumentException - If a parameter is invalid.
ConnectionNotFoundException - If the connection cannot be found.
IOException - If some other kind of I/O error occurs.


public static DataOutputStream openDataOutputStream(String name)
                                             throws IOException
Create and open a connection output stream.

name - The URL for the connection.
A DataOutputStream.
IllegalArgumentException - If a parameter is invalid.
ConnectionNotFoundException - If the connection cannot be found.
IOException - If some other kind of I/O error occurs.


public static InputStream openInputStream(String name)
                                   throws IOException
Create and open a connection input stream.

name - The URL for the connection.+
An InputStream.
IllegalArgumentException - If a parameter is invalid.
ConnectionNotFoundException - If the connection cannot be found.
IOException - If some other kind of I/O error occurs.


public static OutputStream openOutputStream(String name)
                                     throws IOException
Create and open a connection output stream.

name - The URL for the connection.
An OutputStream.
IllegalArgumentException - If a parameter is invalid.
ConnectionNotFoundException - If the connection cannot be found.
IOException - If some other kind of I/O error occurs.


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