SunSPOT API V3.0 |
SPOT and Sensorboard libraries | |
com.sun.spot.dmamemory | Support for allocating memory for DMA buffers. |
com.sun.spot.dmamemory.proxy | Support for allocating memory for DMA buffers - from child isolates. |
com.sun.spot.flashmanagement | Low level access to chunks of flash memory. |
com.sun.spot.globals | Provides support for cross-isolate global data used by the SPOT library. |
com.sun.spot.interisolate | Generic support for RPC mechanisms between isolates. |
com.sun.spot.networktools | Tools that answer network queries for information about the SPOT network stack |
com.sun.spot.peripheral | Access to the hardware peripherals built in to the Sun SPOT main board. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.basestation | Code to allow the Sun SPOT to function as a base station. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.driver.proxy | Allows child isolates access to the driver registry maintained in the master isolate. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.external | Generic support for external boards. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.handler | Handlers for control button events. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.ota | Support for managing remote Sun SPOTs using ant scripts. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.proxy | Support for controlling PIO pins from child isolates. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio | Support for using the Sun SPOT's radio. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.mhrp | Components that can be used by mesh routing protocols. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.mhrp.aodv | An mesh routing package based on the AODV protocol. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.mhrp.aodv.messages | Message formats used by the AODV implementation |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.mhrp.aodv.request | Request table used by the AODV based mesh routing package |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.mhrp.aodv.routing | Routing table used by the AODV based mesh routing package |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.mhrp.interfaces | Interfaces that should be implemented by a mesh routing protocol. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.policy.proxy | Support for using the Sun SPOT's radio from child isolates. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.proxy | Allows child isolates access to the radio controlled by the master isolate. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.routing | Interfaces implemented by all routing protocols. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.routing.interfaces | Interfaces that should be implemented by a routing protocol manager. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.radio.shrp | Support for a Single Hop based routing protocol. |
com.sun.spot.peripheral.test | Support for system testing: not intended for user use. |
com.sun.spot.resourcesharing | The resource sharing framework exists to support people writing device drivers. |
com.sun.spot.sensorboard | Contains highest level interfaces and concrete classes that make up the SunSPOT sensorboard libraries. |
com.sun.spot.sensorboard.capabilities | Interfaces that define how a sensorboard should implement a particular type of controller. |
com.sun.spot.sensorboard.hardware | Interfaces and concrete classes that embody various pieces of hardware that are built into the SunSPOT sensorboards. |
com.sun.spot.sensorboard.io | Interfaces and concrete implmentations of classes to enable simple low-level i/o to and from the SunSPOT sensorboards. |
com.sun.spot.sensorboard.peripheral | Interfaces and concrete implementations of various peripherals that are either connected to or built into the daughter cards. |
com.sun.spot.sensorboard.protocol | Collection of some simple classes that define external protocols that can be attached to SunSPOT daughtercards. |
com.sun.spot.sensorboard.util | Collection of utility classes to deal with the SunSPOT sensorboards. |
com.sun.spot.service | IService provides a general interface to allow running services to be controlled. |
com.sun.spot.testFramework | Provides a limited equivalent to jUnit for use on Sun SPOTs. |
com.sun.spot.util | Utility classes. |
junit.framework | Support classes for the test framework. |
SPOT Generic Connection Framework | |
com.sun.spot.io.j2me.memory | Support for the "memory" GCF protocol. |
com.sun.spot.io.j2me.radio | Support for the 'radio' GCF protocol. |
com.sun.spot.io.j2me.radiogram | Support for the 'radiogram' GCF protocol. |
com.sun.spot.io.j2me.radiostream | Support for the 'radiostream' GCF Protocol. |
com.sun.spot.io.j2me.remoteprinting | Provides the auxiliary classes used by remote printing. |
com.sun.spot.io.j2me.socket | Support for the "socket" GCF protocol. |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.edemoserial | The serial protocol supports read/write access to the usart module on the Atmega88 for spot applications. |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.memory | The memory protocol supports direct read-only access to the Sun SPOT's RAM. |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.multicast | |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.radio | The radio protocol supports streaming between two Sun SPOTs via the radio. |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.radiogram | The radiogram protocol supports datagram communication between two Sun SPOTs via the radio. |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.radiostream | The radiostream protocol supports streaming between two Sun SPOTs via the radio. |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.remoteprint | Provides the Protocol class to implement a "remoteprint:" connection using the J2ME Generic Connection Framework (GCF). |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.serial | The serial protocol supports read/write access to the USB channel to host applications. |
com.sun.squawk.io.j2me.socket | The socket protocol supports read/write access to an arbitrary socket on a host computer. |
Squawk Java ME library | |
com.sun.squawk | Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. |
com.sun.squawk.flash | |
com.sun.squawk.imp | Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk implementation of IMP. |
com.sun.squawk.io | Provides classes for input and output through data streams. |
com.sun.squawk.io.mailboxes | Provides classes for inter-Isolate communication. |
com.sun.squawk.peripheral | |
com.sun.squawk.security | Provides classes for basic signing of binary data. |
com.sun.squawk.security.verifier | Provides classes for basic signing of binary data. |
com.sun.squawk.util | Provides classes for basic utilities sometimes jound in JSE. |
com.sun.squawk.vm | Provides classes for basic Squawk VM structures. |
java.io | Provides classes for input and output through data streams. |
java.lang | Provides classes that are fundamental to the Java programming language. |
java.lang.ref | Provides support for weak references. |
java.util | Contains the collection classes, and the date and time facilities. |
javax.microedition.io | Classes for the Generic Connection framework. |
javax.microedition.midlet | Provides classes for MIDlet sub-classing. |
javax.microedition.rms | Provides classes for a basic file system, where files have record level API. |
This document is the API specification for the purple release of the Sun SPOT Libraries.
Sun SPOTs are small, wireless, Java-based devices being developed as a research effort at Sun Labs. They are programmed in Java using the APIs described here.
Sun SPOT devices are based on the CLDC-compliant Squawk VM running directly on the metal. The goal of this project is to produce a flexible, reliable, easy-to-use Java platform for development, prototyping and deployment to small, wireless devices.
These libraries are a work-in-progress. While every attempt will be made to preserve compatibility, future releases will most likely not be backwards compatible.
SunSPOT API V3.0 |