Uses of Class

Packages that use PIOPin Access to the hardware peripherals built in to the Sun SPOT main board. 

Uses of PIOPin in

Methods in that return PIOPin
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getAttentionPin()
          The pin used by the power control PowerController to signal to the 9200
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getBD_REV0()
          The low-order bit of the hardware rev
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getBD_REV1()
          The mid-order bit of the hardware rev
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getBD_REV2()
          The high-order bit of the hardware rev
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getCC2420_CCA_Pin()
          The Channel Clear pin of the CC2420
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getCC2420_FIFO_Pin()
          The FIFO empty pin of the CC2420
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getCC2420_FIFOP_Pin()
          The FIFO threshold reached pin of the CC2420
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getCC2420_RESET_Pin()
          The reset pin of the CC2420
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getCC2420_SFD_Pin()
          The Start of Frame Delimiter pin of the CC2420
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getCC2420_VREG_EN_Pin()
          The voltage regulator enable pin of the CC2420
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getLocalGreenLEDPin()
          Return the pin controlling the green LED on the Spot board.
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getLocalRedLEDPin()
          Return the pin controlling the red LED on the Spot board.
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getSPI_CLK_Pin()
          Returns the SPI CLK (clock) pin.
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getSPI_MISO_Pin()
          Returns the SPI MISO (master in/slave out) pin.
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getSPI_MOSI_Pin()
          Returns the SPI MOSI (master out/slave in) pin.
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getTC_TCLK(int tcNum)
          The clock input pin for a timer-counter
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getTC_TIOA(int tcNum)
          The A pin for a timer-counter
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getTC_TIOB(int tcNum)
          The B pin for a timer-counter
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getUSB_EN()
          The pin used to select USB "suspend" mode in the LTC3455
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getUSB_HP()
          The pin used to select USB high power mode of the LTC3455
 PIOPin ISpotPins.getUSB_PWR_MON()
          The pin used to monitor power on the USB connector

Methods in with parameters of type PIOPin
 int ISpiMaster.sendReceive8PlusVariableReceiveN(SpiPcs pcs, int first, byte[] subsequent, PIOPin fifo_pin)
          Specialised SPI send of 8 bits, simultaneous receive of 8 bits, then receive of multiple 8 bits

This routine is highly specialised for the CC2420

the number of bytes received is determined by the 7 bit value read as the first byte after the initial 8 bits



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