Uses of Class

Packages that use Address Access to the hardware peripherals built in to the Sun SPOT main board. 

Uses of Address in

Fields in declared as Address
protected  Address AbstractAT91_PIO.baseAddress

Methods in that return Address
 Address NorFlashSector.getStartAddress()

Uses of Address in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that return Address
 Address Address.add(int offset)
          Adds a 32 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
 Address Address.addOffset(Offset offset)
          Adds a 32 or 64 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
 Address Address.and(UWord word)
          Logically AND a word with this address.
static Address Address.fromObject(Object object)
          Casts an object reference to an address.
static Address Address.fromPrimitive(int value)
          Casts a word expressed as the appropriate Java primitive type for the platform (i.e. int or long) into a value of type Address.
static Address Unsafe.getAddress(Address base, int offset)
          Gets a pointer from memory as an Address.
static Address VM.getBootstrapEnd()
          Gets the address at which the object memory containing the bootstrap suite ends.
static Address VM.getBootstrapStart()
          Gets the address at which the object memory containing the bootstrap suite starts.
static Address VM.getRomStart()
          Gets the address of the start of the object memory in ROM.
static Address Address.max()
          Gets the largest possible machine address.
 Address Address.or(UWord word)
          Logically OR a word with this address.
 Address Address.roundDown(int alignment)
          Rounds this address down based on a given alignment.
 Address Address.roundDownToWord()
          Rounds this address down to a machine word boundary.
 Address Address.roundUp(int alignment)
          Rounds this address up based on a given alignment.
 Address Address.roundUpToWord()
          Rounds this address up to a machine word boundary.
 Address Address.sub(int offset)
          Subtracts a 32 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
 Address Address.subOffset(Offset offset)
          Subtracts a 32 or 64 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
static Address
          Gets the canonical Address representation of null.

Methods in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type Address
 Offset Address.diff(Address address2)
          Calculates the offset between this address an another address.
 boolean Address.eq(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is equal to a given address.
static Address Unsafe.getAddress(Address base, int offset)
          Gets a pointer from memory as an Address.
static int Unsafe.getByte(Address base, int offset)
          Gets a signed 8 bit value from memory.
static void Unsafe.getBytes(Address src, int boffset, byte[] bytes, int low, int number)
          Copy from memory to byte array.
static int Unsafe.getChar(Address base, int offset)
          Gets an unsigned 16 bit value from memory.
static int Unsafe.getInt(Address base, int offset)
          Gets a signed 32 bit value from memory.
static void Unsafe.getInts(Address src, int boffset, int[] ints, int low, int number)
          Copy from memory to int array.
static long Unsafe.getLong(Address base, int offset)
          Gets a 64 bit value from memory using a 64 bit word offset.
static long Unsafe.getLongAtWord(Address base, int offset)
          Gets a 64 bit value from memory using a 32 bit word offset.
static void Unsafe.getLongs(Address src, int boffset, long[] longs, int low, int number)
          Copy from memory to long array.
static int Unsafe.getShort(Address base, int offset)
          Gets a signed 16 bit value from memory.
static void Unsafe.getShorts(Address src, int boffset, short[] shorts, int low, int number)
          Copy from memory to short array.
static int Unsafe.getUByte(Address base, int offset)
          Gets an unsigned 8 bit value from memory.
static int Unsafe.getUnalignedInt(Address base, int boffset)
          Gets the int at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static long Unsafe.getUnalignedLong(Address base, int boffset)
          Gets the long at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static int Unsafe.getUnalignedShort(Address base, int boffset)
          Gets the short at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static UWord Unsafe.getUWord(Address base, int offset)
          Gets an unsigned 32 or 64 bit value from memory.
 boolean Address.hi(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is higher than a given address.
 boolean Address.hieq(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is higher than or equal to a given address.
 boolean Address.lo(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is lower than a given address.
 boolean Address.loeq(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is lower than or equal to a given address.
 boolean address2)
          Determines if this address is not equal to a given address.
static void VM.printAddress(Address val)
          Prints an address to the VM stream.
static void Unsafe.setAddress(Address base, int offset, Address value)
          Sets a pointer value in memory without updating the write barrier.
static void Unsafe.setByte(Address base, int offset, int value)
          Sets an 8 bit value in memory.
static void Unsafe.setBytes(Address dst, int boffset, byte[] bytes, int low, int number)
          Copy from byte array to memory.
static void Unsafe.setChar(Address base, int offset, int value)
          Sets an unsigned 16 bit value in memory.
static void Unsafe.setInt(Address base, int offset, int value)
          Sets a 32 bit value in memory.
static void Unsafe.setInts(Address dst, int boffset, int[] ints, int low, int number)
          Copy from int array to memory.
static void Unsafe.setLong(Address base, int offset, long value)
          Sets a 64 bit value in memory.
static void Unsafe.setLongAtWord(Address base, int offset, long value)
          Sets a 64 bit value in memory at a 32 bit word offset.
static void Unsafe.setLongs(Address dst, int boffset, long[] longs, int low, int number)
          Copy from long array to memory.
static void Unsafe.setShort(Address base, int offset, int value)
          Sets a signed 16 bit value in memory.
static void Unsafe.setShorts(Address dst, int boffset, short[] shorts, int low, int number)
          Copy from short array to memory.
static void Unsafe.setUnalignedInt(Address base, int boffset, int value)
          Gets the int at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static void Unsafe.setUnalignedLong(Address base, int boffset, long value)
          Gets the long at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static void Unsafe.setUnalignedShort(Address base, int boffset, int value)
          Sets the short at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static void Unsafe.setUWord(Address base, int offset, UWord value)
          Sets a UWord value in memory.

Uses of Address in com.sun.squawk.flash

Fields in com.sun.squawk.flash declared as Address
protected  Address MemoryHeapBlock.address
protected  Address NorFlashSectorState.endAddress
protected  Address NorFlashSectorState.startAddress

Methods in com.sun.squawk.flash that return Address
 Address INorFlashMemoryHeap.allocateAndWriteBlock(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, INorFlashMemoryHeapScanner scanner)
 Address NorFlashMemoryHeap.allocateAndWriteBlock(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, INorFlashMemoryHeapScanner scanner)
 Address IMemoryHeapBlock.getAddress()
 Address MemoryHeapBlock.getAddress()
 Address INorFlashSectorState.getEndAddress()
 Address NorFlashSectorState.getEndAddress()
 Address INorFlashSectorState.getStartAddress()
 Address NorFlashSectorState.getStartAddress()
 Address INorFlashSectorState.getWriteHeadAddress()
 Address NorFlashSectorState.getWriteHeadAddress()
protected  Address NorFlashMemoryHeap.writeBlock(IMemoryHeapBlock block, INorFlashMemoryHeapScanner scanner, Address oldAddress)

Methods in com.sun.squawk.flash with parameters of type Address
 void INorFlashMemoryHeap.freeBlockAt(Address address)
 void NorFlashMemoryHeap.freeBlockAt(Address address)
 IMemoryHeapBlock INorFlashMemoryHeap.getBlockAt(Address address)
 IMemoryHeapBlock NorFlashMemoryHeap.getBlockAt(Address address)
 INorFlashSectorState NorFlashMemoryHeap.getSectorContaining(Address address)
 void NorFlashSectorState.init(Address startAddress, int size)
 void INorFlashMemoryHeapScanner.reScanBlock(Address oldAddress, Address newAddress, IMemoryHeapBlock block)
 void IMemoryHeapBlock.setAddress(Address address)
 void MemoryHeapBlock.setAddress(Address address)
protected  Address NorFlashMemoryHeap.writeBlock(IMemoryHeapBlock block, INorFlashMemoryHeapScanner scanner, Address oldAddress)

Uses of Address in com.sun.squawk.peripheral

Fields in com.sun.squawk.peripheral declared as Address
protected  Address SimulatedNorFlashSector.startAddress

Methods in com.sun.squawk.peripheral that return Address
 Address INorFlashSector.getStartAddress()
 Address SimulatedNorFlashSector.getStartAddress()

Methods in com.sun.squawk.peripheral with parameters of type Address
protected  void SimulatedNorFlashSector.init(Address startAddress, int size, int purpose)

Constructors in com.sun.squawk.peripheral with parameters of type Address
SimulatedNorFlashSector(Address startAddress, byte[] bytes, int purpose)
SimulatedNorFlashSector(Address startAddress, int size, int purpose, boolean useFile)


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