Uses of Class

Packages that use Object
com.sun.midp.midlet Support for allocating memory for DMA buffers. Support for allocating memory for DMA buffers - from child isolates. Low level access to chunks of flash memory. Provides support for cross-isolate global data used by the SPOT library. Generic support for RPC mechanisms between isolates. Support for the "memory" GCF protocol. Support for the 'radiogram' GCF protocol. Support for the 'radiostream' GCF Protocol. Provides the auxiliary classes used by remote printing. Support for the "socket" GCF protocol. Tools that answer network queries for information about the SPOT network stack Access to the hardware peripherals built in to the Sun SPOT main board. Code to allow the Sun SPOT to function as a base station. Allows child isolates access to the driver registry maintained in the master isolate. Generic support for external boards. Handlers for control button events. Support for managing remote Sun SPOTs using ant scripts. Support for controlling PIO pins from child isolates. Support for using the Sun SPOT's radio. Components that can be used by mesh routing protocols. An mesh routing package based on the AODV protocol. Message formats used by the AODV implementation Request table used by the AODV based mesh routing package Routing table used by the AODV based mesh routing package Interfaces that should be implemented by a mesh routing protocol. Support for using the Sun SPOT's radio from child isolates. Allows child isolates access to the radio controlled by the master isolate. Interfaces implemented by all routing protocols. Interfaces that should be implemented by a routing protocol manager. Support for a Single Hop based routing protocol. The resource sharing framework exists to support people writing device drivers. Contains highest level interfaces and concrete classes that make up the SunSPOT sensorboard libraries. Interfaces and concrete classes that embody various pieces of hardware that are built into the SunSPOT sensorboards. Interfaces and concrete implmentations of classes to enable simple low-level i/o to and from the SunSPOT sensorboards. Interfaces and concrete implementations of various peripherals that are either connected to or built into the daughter cards. Collection of some simple classes that define external protocols that can be attached to SunSPOT daughtercards. Collection of utility classes to deal with the SunSPOT sensorboards. Provides a limited equivalent to jUnit for use on Sun SPOTs. Utility classes. 
junit.framework Support classes for the test framework. 

Uses of Object in com.sun.cldc.i18n

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.cldc.i18n
 class StreamReader
          General prototype for character converting stream readers.
 class StreamWriter
          General prototype for character converting stream writers.

Uses of Object in com.sun.midp.midlet

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.midp.midlet
 class MIDletPeer
          MIDletPeer maintains the current state of the MIDlet and forwards updates to it.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class DMAMemoryManager
          Manages a chunk of uncached memory to be used for DMA buffers - see IDMAMemoryManager
 class NotEnoughDMAMemoryException
          The exception that is thrown if a request for DMA memory cannot be satisfied

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ProxyDMAMemoryManager
          Acts as a proxy for DMAMemoryManager in child isolates

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class FlashFile
          FlashFile This class is the main entry point to the flash memory filing system.
 class FlashFileInputStream
          FlashFileInputStream represents an input stream over some flash memory.
 class FlashFileNotFoundException
 class FlashFileOutputStream
          FlashFileOutputStream represents an output stream over some flash memory.
 class NorFlashSectorAllocator

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class SpotGlobals
          SpotGlobals provides access from the SPOT library to objects that are global across the whole VM; that is, not limited to a single isolate.

Methods in that return Object
static Object SpotGlobals.getGlobal(int key)
static Object SpotGlobals.getMutex()

Methods in with parameters of type Object
static void SpotGlobals.setGlobal(int key, Object value)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class MIDletDescriptor
 class MIDletSuiteDescriptor
          MIDletSuiteDescriptor: describes the contents of a MIDlet

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BooleanReplyEnvelope
 class ExceptionReplyEnvelope
 class InterIsolateServer
          The purpose of classes in this package is to provide a generic framework for building remote-procedure-call (RPC) mechanisms between isolates.
 class NumberReplyEnvelope
 class ObjectReplyEnvelope
 class ReplyEnvelope
 class RequestEnvelope
 class RequestSender
 class VoidReplyEnvelope

Methods in that return Object
 Object VoidReplyEnvelope.getContents()
 Object RequestEnvelope.getContents()
 Object ObjectReplyEnvelope.getContents()
 Object NumberReplyEnvelope.getContents()
 Object ExceptionReplyEnvelope.getContents()
 Object BooleanReplyEnvelope.getContents()

Methods in with parameters of type Object
abstract  ReplyEnvelope RequestEnvelope.execute(Object context)
static void channelName, Object context)
static void channelName, Object context, int threadPriority)

Constructors in with parameters of type Object
ObjectReplyEnvelope(int requestUid, Object contents)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class MemoryInputStream
          An InputStream that streams over the device memory.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class Radiogram
          Helper class for "radiogram:" connections.
 class RadiogramConnImpl
          This class provides the "radiogram" protocol for accessing the SPOT radio using datagrams.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class RadioInputStream
          Helper class for "radiostream:" connections.
 class RadioOutputStream
          Helper class for "radiostream:" connections.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class RemotePrintManager
          Manages the creation and removal of remote print connections
 class RemotePrintOutputStream
          Helper class for "remoteprint:" connections.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ProxyInitializer
          Handles the string used to initialize a connection between a SocketConnection and the socket proxy on the host.
 class SocketConnection
          This class provides the necessary implementation for a socket connection.
 class SocketProtocolInputStream
           Socket specific InputSteam.
 class SocketProtocolOutputStream
           Socket specific InputSteam.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class NetManagementServer
          A daemon that responds to network management requests

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AbstractAT91_PIO
 class Battery
 class BoundedInputStream
          Wraps a parent InputStream with an input stream on the assumptions that the first four bytes of the parent's content are a Java int which tells us how many more valid bytes remain in the parent.
 class BoundedOutputStream
          An output stream that writes the length of the data at the start.
 class CC2420Driver
 class ChannelBusyException
          Thrown when an attempt to transmit over the radio fails because the channel is busy - and remains busy for a full set of retries.
 class ConfigPage
          Each Spot reserves some flash memory for configuration information.
 class DriverRegistry
          Acts as a registry for drivers that need to be aware of deep sleep.
 class FiqInterruptDaemon
          The FiqInterruptDaemon gives access to the handlers used for various notifications from the power controller.
 class NoAckException
          Thrown when an attempt to transmit over the radio fails because no acknowledgement is received within the time limit specified in the I802.15.4 standard.
 class NorFlashSector
          Define a segment of memory which is defined as being of type NOR Flash.
 class NoRouteException
 class PeripheralChipSelect
 class PIOPin
          A PIOPin is a convenient way of manipulating an individual PIO pin.
 class RadioConnectionBase
          Abstract base class for classes that implement a radio Connection that can time out if an expected acknowledgment doesn't arrive for a sent packet.
 class SpiPcs
 class Spot
          The class of the root object of the Spot base library.
 class SpotFatalException
          This class represents all API precondition violations by client programs.
 class TimeoutException
          Thrown when an attempt to receive data over either a "radiostream:" or "radiogram:" connection fails due to a read timeout being exceeded.
 class UnableToDeepSleepException
          This exception is thrown when an attempt to ensure a deep sleep fails because deep sleep is impossible.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BaseStation
          This class implements a base station that allows a PC (the "host") to communicate to a standalone Spot ("the target") through a second Spot (the "base station") connected to the host via a test board and usb cable.
 class ExitCommand
 class GetChannelAccessFailureCommand
 class GetNoAckCommand
 class GetNullPacketAfterAckWaitCommand
 class GetRadioPropertyCommand
 class GetWrongAckCommand
 class MACCommand
 class MACProxyServer
 class MACProxyServer.LedManager
 class MCPSDataIndicationCommand
 class MCPSDataRequestCommand
 class MLMEGetCommand
 class MLMEResetCommand
 class MLMERxEnableCommand
 class MLMESetCommand
 class MLMEStartCommand
 class NoArgIntParameterCommand
 class ResetProxyCommand
 class SetPLMETransmitPowerCommand

Methods in that return Object
protected  Object NoArgIntParameterCommand.readResultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream)
protected  Object MLMEGetCommand.readResultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream)
protected  Object MCPSDataRequestCommand.readResultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream)
protected  Object MCPSDataIndicationCommand.readResultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream)
protected  Object MACCommand.readResultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream)
protected  Object GetRadioPropertyCommand.readResultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream)
 Object MACCommand.resultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream, ICreateExceptions exceptionCreator)
 Object ICommand.resultFrom(DataInputStream dataInputStream, ICreateExceptions exceptionCreator)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ProxyDriverRegistry

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BoardDeviceSPI
          SPI implementation that hides the use of a DeviceSelector before sending SPI commands.
 class ExternalBoard
          Represents an external board.
 class M25P05
          Driver for the M25P05 flash memory chip as fitted to Sun SPOT external boards

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class NullEventHandler
 class StopVMEventHandler

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class IsolateManager
 class OTACommandServer
          This class monitors radiogram communications on port number 8, and responds to commands received.
 class OTAFlashFileInfo
          OTAFlashFileInfo records information about a FlashFile instance so that it can be serialised for transmission to a host process.
 class SpotWorldCommand
 class URL
          Privide a string of the form "protocolName://address:port/rest1/rest2/...

Methods in that return Object
static Object[] IsolateManager.vectorToArray(Vector v)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ClaimCommand
 class DisableIrqCommand
 class EnableIrqCommand
 class GetAvailableCommand
 class PIOCommand
 class ProxyAT91_PIO
          ProxyAT91_PIO: do not use directly.
 class ReleaseCommand
 class WaitForIrqCommand

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 ReplyEnvelope PIOCommand.execute(Object context)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BroadcastConnectionState
 class ConnectionID
 class HeaderInfoBase
 This class is to be extended according to the used mac layer.
 class IncomingData
          Structure that contains information about the data received
 class LowPan
          Packet processing layer based on the low pan draft.
 class LowPanHeader

 class LowPanHeaderInfo
 This class provides access to information that is stored in headers that are not existing any more after the decapsulation process that takes place in the low pan layer.
 class LowPanPacket

 class LowPanStats
 class MAC_InvalidParameterException
          Thrown where an invalid parameter (typically attribute identifier, PAN id or channel number) is passed to an I802_15_4_MAC
 class MACException
          Thrown when an I802_15_4_MAC encounters unexpected errors in received radio packet format
 class MeshRouterDaemon
          A daemon that keeps the radio on and ensures that this SPOT acts as a node in the mesh network
 class NoMeshLayerAckException
 class PHY_InvalidParameterException
          Thrown when an invalid parameter is passed to an I802_15_4_PHY
 class PHY_UnsupportedAttributeException
          Thrown on an attempt to use an unsupported attribute using I802_15_4_PHY.plmeSet(int, int) or I802_15_4_PHY.plmeGet(int)
 class RadioFactory
          Static factory for public access to the radio in various guises.
 class RadiogramProtocolManager
 class RadioOffException
          This exception is thrown when an attempt to write to a RadioOutputStream that implies a multi-hop send fails because the radio receiver is turned off (it fails because for a multi-hop send, the radio must receive a mesh ACK).
 class RadioPacket
          Represents an I802.15.4 radio packet.
 class RadioPacketDispatcher
          Implements IRadioPacketDispatcher for the Spot environment.
 class RadioPolicy
 class RadioPolicyManager
 class RadioProtocolManager
 class RadiostreamProtocolManager
 class ReassemblyExpiration
 class RetransmitBuffer
          A retransmit buffer is used by the SpotstreamProtocolManager to store data that has to be retransmitte in case that no acknowledgment arrives.
 class RetransmitTimer
 class SpotNameLookup
 class SpotSerialPipe

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 void ConnectionID.copyFrom(Object o)
 boolean ConnectionID.equals(Object c)
 void LowPan.routeFound(RouteInfo info, Object uniqueKey)
          This method is called by the routing manager as soon as a route is available or if no route has been found within the defined period.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class RouteInfo
          Deprecated. See RouteInfo
 class SortedList
          Deprecated. See SortedList

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AODVManager
 class Constants
 class Receiver
 class Sender

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 boolean AODVManager.findRoute(long address, RouteEventClient eventClient, Object uniqueKey)
          This method triggers a new route request.
 boolean Sender.sendNewRREQ(long address, RouteEventClient eventClient, Object uniqueKey)
          Create an entry for the queue and put it in to the designated queue

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AODVMessage
 class RERR
 class RREP
 class RREQ

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class RequestTable
 class RequestTableCleaner

Methods in that return Object
 Object RequestTable.removeOutstandingRequest(long destination, long originator)
          this method an outstanding request from the table

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 boolean RequestTable.addRREQ(RREQ message, RouteEventClient eventClient, Object uniqueKey)
          add a route request to the request table

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class RoutingEntry
          A single entry in the routing table
 class RoutingNeighbor
 class RoutingTable
          An object that represents a routing table for the mesh
 class RoutingTableCleaner

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 int object)
          compares two routing entries

Uses of Object in

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 int object)
 boolean IRoutingManager.findRoute(long address, RouteEventClient eventClient, Object uniqueKey)
          Deprecated. this method triggers a new route request
 void RouteEventClient.routeFound(RouteInfo info, Object uniqueKey)
          Deprecated. callback method that can be used be the routing manager to tell the client that a route has been found

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ProxyRadioPolicyManager

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ProxyRadiogramProtocolManager
 class ProxyRadioProtocolManager
 class ProxyRadiostreamProtocolManager
 class WaitForAllAcksCommand

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class RouteTable
 class RoutingPolicy
          An object that describes the basic routing policy
 class RoutingPolicyManager
          The onject that oversees the routing policy for this node

Uses of Object in

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 int object)
 boolean IRoutingManager.findRoute(long address, RouteEventClient eventClient, Object uniqueKey)
          This method triggers a new route request.
 void RouteEventClient.routeFound(RouteInfo info, Object uniqueKey)
          callback method that can be used be the routing manager to tell the client that a route has been found

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class SingleHopManager
          The single hop routing modules makes all nodes look like they are 1 hop away.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 boolean SingleHopManager.findRoute(long address, RouteEventClient eventClient, Object uniqueKey)
          lookup a route to this address.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AdjustLockCommand
 class LockCommand
 class ProxyResourceRegistryMaster
 class RegisterCommand
 class ResourceRegistryChild
 class ResourceRegistryMaster
 class ResourceSharingException
          A problem has occurred during a resource sharing operation.
 class ResourceSharingScheme
          An enumerated type that defines the different sharing schemes for shared resources.
 class ResourceUnavailableException
          The resource is not currently available.
 class SimpleResource
          A simple implementation of the IResource interface that can be used as it is, or extended for a more complex use.
 class SimpleResourceHandle
          A simple implementation of IResourceHandle that can be used as is or extended.
 class UnlockAllCommand
 class UnlockCommand

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 ReplyEnvelope UnlockCommand.execute(Object context)
 ReplyEnvelope UnlockAllCommand.execute(Object context)
 ReplyEnvelope RegisterCommand.execute(Object context)
 ReplyEnvelope LockCommand.execute(Object context)
 ReplyEnvelope AdjustLockCommand.execute(Object context)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AtmegaProtoBoard
          beginning of the file for the AtmegaPrototyping board.
 class EDemoBoard
          This class reflects all of the functionality of the EDemoBoard to a SPOT application.
 class EDemoController
          This class manages the SPI interfaces and communications to the reachable parts on the EDemoBoard, namely the Atmega88, the Analog to Digital Converter, and the flash eeprom. ( some of this is done by superclasses ) Controller interfaces use a model of interaction that allows for behaviours of the controlled functionality to be modified by implementing the accessor interfaces.
 class OTAExtension

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ADT7411
          Class implementing SPI access to the ADT7411 a-to-d converter.
 class Atmega
          Simple wrapper for the Atmega part.
 class Atmega48
          Simple wrapper for the Atmega48 part.
 class Atmega88
          Simple wrapper for the Atmega88 part
 class AtmegaExternalBoard
          A spot sensorboard that has a resident atmega part The intent is that this ease the process of programming the atmega.
 class SimpleSPIControlledIOChip
          Abstract class for SPI IO chips.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BinaryScalar
          Class to allow using a ScalarInput as though it is an GPIO InputPin.
 class InputPin
          Accessor object for input only GPIO pins.
 class InvertingInputPin
          Class implementing single bit input with inversion of values read, i.e. low signal is returned as high and high signal is returned as low.
 class InvertingOutputPin
          Class implementing single bit output with inversion of values suppied by the calling code, i.e. a request to set output high sets it low and vice versa.
 class IOPin
 class IOPinException
 class OutputPin
          Accessor object for output only GPIO pins.
 class PinDescriptor
          Describe the operating parameters of a particular hardware pin.
 class ScalarInput
          Simple concrete implementation of IScalarInput.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 boolean OutputPin.equals(Object obj)
          Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this output pin.
 boolean IOPin.equals(Object obj)
          Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this iopin.
 boolean InputPin.equals(Object obj)
          Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this input pin.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class LEDColor
          Color class to be used by TriColorLED.
 class LightSensor
          Simple extension of ScalarInput.
 class LIS3L02AQAccelerometer
          Class to implement an accelerometer on the demo sensor board and provide access to it via the IAccelerometer3D interface.
 class Servo
          A basic servo.
 class Switch
          Class implementing simple switches, assuming a mapping of open=LOW, closed=HIGH.
 class TemperatureInput
          Simple extension of ScalarInput.
 class ToneGenerator
          Allows attaching a simple speaker device to an output pin to generate various simple frequencies.
 class TriColorLED
          Provides access to the colored LEDs.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 boolean LEDColor.equals(Object obj)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AT91_I2C
          Class implementing the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I-squared-C) protocol for the AT91

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AtmegaBootloader
          Utility to ease programming the user space of the Atmega88.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ChildIsolateTestHelper
 class ChildIsolateTestRunner
 class CopiableTestResults
 class InterIsolateTestResultLog
 class SystemOutTestResultLog
 class TestBase
          The abstract superclass for any class containing test cases.
 class TestRunner
          The TestRunner runs test cases contained in a subclass of TestBase.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 void CopiableTestResults.copyFrom(Object o)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BootloaderListener
          Simple class to listen to the serial input over the USB connection and pass control to the bootloader.
 class CRC
          Standalone class to provide 16-bit crc calculations
 class CrcOutputStream
          CrcOutputStream provides CRC checking and flow control for two Java programs communicating with two input and output stream pairs.
 class Debug
 class DummyApp
          This class implements an empty application that can be useful when there is no valid application installed
 class IEEEAddress
 class MutableBoolean
 class PrettyPrint
 class Properties
          The Properties class represents a persistent set of properties.
 class Queue
          Implements a fully synchronised FIFO queue of Objects.
 class Utils
          Collection of utility functions

Methods in that return Object
 Object Queue.get()
          Answer an element from the receiver.
 Object Queue.get(long timeout)
          Answer an element from the receiver.
 Object Properties.setProperty(String key, String value)
          Calls the Hashtable method put.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 boolean IEEEAddress.equals(Object anObject)
 void Queue.put(Object o)
          Add an element to the receiver.

Uses of Object in com.sun.squawk

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.squawk
 class Address
          The Address class is used to abstract machine addresses.
 class Isolate
          The Isolate class represents a "process-like" unit of computation that is isolated from other instances of Isolate.
 class Offset
          The offset type is used by the runtime system and collector to denote the directed distance between two machine addresses.
 class Unsafe
          A collection of methods for performing peek and poke operations on memory addresses.
 class UWord
          The word type is used by the runtime system and collector to denote machine word-sized quantities.
 class VM
          This is a Squawk VM specific class that is used to communicate between executing Java software and the low level core VM that is expressed in machine code.
static class VM.Stats
          Virtual machine statistics.

Methods in com.sun.squawk that return Object
static Object VM.getClass(Object object)
          Support routine to get the object representing the class of a given object.
static Object VM.getKeyedGlobal(int key)
          Return the global registered using setGlobal with key.
static Object VM.getKeyedGlobalsMutex()
static Object VM.putKeyedGlobal(int key, Object value)
          Set the global registered for key.
static Object VM.shallowCopy(Object original)
          Perform a shallow copy of the original object, without calling a constructor WARNING: This is bypassing the write barrier, which is (sort of) OK because we are writing to a new object.
 Object Address.toObject()
          Casts this address to an object reference.

Methods in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type Object
static int VM.execGraphicsIO(int op, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, Object send, Object receive)
          Not used on embedded devices.
static int VM.execIO(int op, int channel, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, Object send, Object receive)
          Executes a I/O operation that may block.
static long VM.execIOLong(int op, int channel, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, Object send, Object receive)
          Executes an I/O operation that returns a long value.
static int VM.execSyncIO(int context, int op, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, Object send, Object receive)
          Executes a non-blocking I/O operation whose result is guaranteed to be available immediately.
static int VM.execSyncIO(int op, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, Object send, Object receive)
          Executes a non-blocking I/O operation whose result is guaranteed to be available immediately.
static Address Address.fromObject(Object object)
          Casts an object reference to an address.
static Object VM.getClass(Object object)
          Support routine to get the object representing the class of a given object.
static boolean VM.isArray(Object o)
          Support routine to test whether a given object is an array.
static void VM.printAddress(Object val)
          Prints an address to the VM stream.
static void VM.Stats.printHeapStats(Object startObj, boolean printInstances)
          Do heap walk from start object (or whole heap is startObj is null).
static void VM.printObject(Object obj)
          Prints the string representation of an object to the VM stream.
static Object VM.putKeyedGlobal(int key, Object value)
          Set the global registered for key.
static Object VM.shallowCopy(Object original)
          Perform a shallow copy of the original object, without calling a constructor WARNING: This is bypassing the write barrier, which is (sort of) OK because we are writing to a new object.

Uses of Object in com.sun.squawk.flash

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.squawk.flash
 class MemoryHeapBlock
 class NorFlashMemoryHeap
 class NorFlashSectorState
 class NorFlashSectorStateList

Uses of Object in com.sun.squawk.imp

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.squawk.imp
 class ImpGlobal
 class MIDletMainWrapper

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BufferedReader
          Read text from a character-input stream, buffering characters so as to provide for the efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines.
 class BufferedWriter
          Write text to a character-output stream, buffering characters so as to provide for the efficient writing of single characters, arrays, and strings.
 class ConnectionBase
          Base class for Connection protocols.
 class MulticastOutputStream
          A MulticastOutputStream can be configured to send its output to zero or more named output streams.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class Protocol
          GCF connection that multicasts to a number of configured output streams.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AddressClosedException
          This exception is thrown when trying to send to a closed MailboxAddress, or when reading from a Mailbox, and the MailBoxHandler is managing a private address that has closed.
 class ByteArrayEnvelope
          A ByteArrayEnvelope can be used to pass a byte array, or subsection of a byte array through a Channel.
 class ByteArrayInputStreamEnvelope
          A ByteArrayInputStreamEnvelope can be used to pass a byte array, or subsection of a byte array, as a ByteArrayInputStream.
 class Channel
          A Channel is a private bidirectional message passing mechanism, typically between Isolates.
 class Envelope
          Abstract class for messages passed through Channels.
 class MailboxClosedException
          This exception is thrown when trying to receive from a closed Mailbox.
 class MailboxInUseException
          This exception is thrown when trying to send to register a mailbox under a name, and that name is already used.
 class NoSuchMailboxException
          This exception is thrown when trying to send to register a mailbox under a name, and that name is already used.
 class ObjectEnvelope
          A ObjectEnvelope can be used to pass a copy of an ICopiable object between isolates.
 class ServerChannel
          Given that a Channel is a one-to-one connection between two isolates, a ServerChannel provides a factory to create new Channels by name.

Methods in that return Object
 Object ByteArrayEnvelope.getContents()
          Return the contents of the envelope.
 Object ByteArrayInputStreamEnvelope.getContents()
          Return the contents of the envelope.
abstract  Object Envelope.getContents()
          Return the contents of the envelope.
 Object ObjectEnvelope.getContents()
          Return the contents of the envelope.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 void ICopiable.copyFrom(Object o)
          Set the state of this object based on the state of object o.

Uses of Object in com.sun.squawk.peripheral

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.squawk.peripheral
 class InsufficientFlashMemoryException
 class PeripheralRegistry
          Place holder for all peripheral types known by Squawk.
 class SimulatedNorFlashSector
          I am a class that allows the RMS store to be used in Java heap as a byte array.
 class SimulatedNorFlashSectorAllocator

Uses of Object in com.sun.squawk.realtime

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.squawk.realtime
 class OffsetOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown if the constructor of a RawMemoryAccess, or RawMemoryFloatAccess is given an invalid address.
 class RawMemoryAccess
          An instance of RawMemoryAccess models a range of physical memory as a fixed sequence of bytes.
 class RawMemoryFloatAccess
          This class holds the accessor methods for accessing a raw memory area by float and double types.
 class SizeOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown if the constructor of a RawMemoryAccess, or RawMemoryFloatAccess is given an invalid size or if an accessor method on one of the above classes would cause access to an invalid address.
 class UnsupportedPhysicalMemoryException
          Thrown when the underlying hardware does not support the type of physical memory requested from an instance of one of the physical memory or raw memory access classes.

Constructors in com.sun.squawk.realtime with parameters of type Object
RawMemoryAccess(Object type, long size)
          Construct an instance of RawMemoryAccess with the given parameters, and set the object to the mapped state.
RawMemoryAccess(Object type, long base, long size)
          Construct an instance of RawMemoryAccess with the given parameters, and set the object to the mapped state.
RawMemoryFloatAccess(Object type, long size)
          Construct an instance of RawMemoryFloatAccess with the given parameters, and set the object to the mapped state.
RawMemoryFloatAccess(Object type, long base, long size)
          Construct an instance of RawMemoryFloatAccess with the given parameters, and set the object to the mapped state.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class HexEncoding
          Encode / Decode hexadecimal strings to / from byte arrays

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class SignatureVerifier
          Used to verify the signature of certain signed data, including Suites.
 class SignatureVerifierException

Uses of Object in com.sun.squawk.util

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.squawk.util
 class Arrays
          This class contains various methods for manipulating arrays (such as sorting and searching).
 class ByteArrayInputStreamWithSetBytes
          An extention of ByteArrayInputStream that allows the byte array buffer to be modified, using the ByteArrayInputStreamWithSetBytes.setBytes(byte[], int, int) method.
 class ByteArrayOutputStreamWithGetBytes
          An extention of ByteArrayOutputStream that allows the byte array buffer to be read directly, using the ByteArrayOutputStreamWithGetBytes.getBytes() method.
 class IntHashtable
          This class implements an unsynchronized hashtable, which maps keys to values.
 class LineReader
          This class provides for reading lines from a reader.
 class MathUtils
          The class MathUtils contains some of the Java SE Math routines that are not present in the CLDC 1.1 version of Math: MathUtils.asin(double), MathUtils.acos(double), MathUtils.atan(double) & MathUtils.atan2(double, double).
 class SquawkVector
          The SquawkVector class is an unsynchronized version of Vector.
 class StringTokenizer
          StringTokenizer is a class that controls simple linear tokenization of a String.
 class UnexpectedException

Fields in com.sun.squawk.util declared as Object
protected  Object[] SquawkVector.elementData
          The array buffer into which the components of the vector are stored.

Methods in com.sun.squawk.util that return Object
static Object[] Arrays.copy(Object[] src, int srcPos, Object[] dest, int destPos, int length)
          Make a new Object array and initialize its contents from the contents of a specified Object array.
 Object SquawkVector.elementAt(int index)
          Returns the component at the specified index.
 Object SquawkVector.firstElement()
          Returns the first component of this vector.
 Object IntHashtable.get(int key)
          Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this hashtable.
 Object SquawkVector.lastElement()
          Returns the last component of the vector.
 Object StringTokenizer.nextElement()
          Returns the next element in the Enumeration.
 Object IntHashtable.put(int key, Object value)
          Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
 Object IntHashtable.remove(int key)
          Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.

Methods in com.sun.squawk.util with parameters of type Object
 void SquawkVector.addElement(Object obj)
          Adds the specified component to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
static int Arrays.binarySearch(Object[] a, Object key, Comparer c)
          Searches the specified array for the specified object using the binary search algorithm.
static int Arrays.binarySearch(Object[] a, Object key, Comparer c)
          Searches the specified array for the specified object using the binary search algorithm.
 int o1, Object o2)
          Compares its two arguments for order.
 boolean IntHashtable.contains(Object value)
          Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
 boolean SquawkVector.contains(Object elem)
          Tests if the specified object is a component in this vector.
static Object[] Arrays.copy(Object[] src, int srcPos, Object[] dest, int destPos, int length)
          Make a new Object array and initialize its contents from the contents of a specified Object array.
static Object[] Arrays.copy(Object[] src, int srcPos, Object[] dest, int destPos, int length)
          Make a new Object array and initialize its contents from the contents of a specified Object array.
 void SquawkVector.copyInto(Object[] anArray)
          Copies the components of this vector into the specified array.
static boolean Arrays.equals(Object[] a, Object[] a2)
          Returns true if the two specified arrays of Objects are equal to one another.
static boolean Arrays.equals(Object[] a, Object[] a2)
          Returns true if the two specified arrays of Objects are equal to one another.
static boolean Arrays.equals(Object a, Object b)
          Returns true if the two specified Objects are equal to one another.
static void Arrays.fill(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Object val)
          Assigns the specified Object reference to each element of the specified range of the specified array of Objects.
static void Arrays.fill(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Object val)
          Assigns the specified Object reference to each element of the specified range of the specified array of Objects.
static void Arrays.fill(Object[] a, Object val)
          Assigns the specified Object reference to each element of the specified array of Objects.
static void Arrays.fill(Object[] a, Object val)
          Assigns the specified Object reference to each element of the specified array of Objects.
static int Arrays.hashCode(Object object)
          Returns a hashcode for a given object.
 int SquawkVector.indexOf(Object elem)
          Searches for the first occurrence of the given argument, testing for equality using the equals method.
 int SquawkVector.indexOf(Object elem, int index)
          Searches for the first occurrence of the given argument, beginning the search at index, and testing for equality using the equals method.
 void SquawkVector.insertElementAt(Object obj, int index)
          Inserts the specified object as a component in this vector at the specified index.
 int SquawkVector.lastIndexOf(Object elem)
          Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified object in this vector.
 int SquawkVector.lastIndexOf(Object elem, int index)
          Searches backwards for the specified object, starting from the specified index, and returns an index to it.
static int Arrays.length(Object array)
          Returns the length of the specified array object, as an int.
 Object IntHashtable.put(int key, Object value)
          Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
 boolean SquawkVector.removeElement(Object obj)
          Removes the first occurrence of the argument from this vector.
 void SquawkVector.setElementAt(Object obj, int index)
          Sets the component at the specified index of this vector to be the specified object.
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a, Comparer c)
          Sorts the specified array of objects according to the order induced by the specified Comparer.
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Comparer c)
          Sorts the specified range of the specified array of objects according to the order induced by the specified Comparer.
 void IntHashtableVisitor.visitIntHashtable(int key, Object value)
          Visit method.

Uses of Object in com.sun.squawk.vm

Subclasses of Object in com.sun.squawk.vm
 class ChannelConstants

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ByteArrayInputStream
          A ByteArrayInputStream contains an internal buffer that contains bytes that may be read from the stream.
 class ByteArrayOutputStream
          This class implements an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array.
 class DataInputStream
          A data input stream lets an application read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent way.
 class DataOutputStream
          A data input stream lets an application write primitive Java data types to an output stream in a portable way.
 class EOFException
          Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
 class InputStream
          This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an input stream of bytes.
 class InputStreamReader
          An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It reads bytes and translates them into characters.
 class InterruptedIOException
          Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted.
 class IOException
          Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
 class OutputStream
          This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an output stream of bytes.
 class OutputStreamWriter
          An OutputStreamWriter is a bridge from character streams to byte streams: Characters written to it are translated into bytes.
 class PrintStream
          A PrintStream adds functionality to another output stream, namely the ability to print representations of various data values conveniently.
 class Reader
          Abstract class for reading character streams.
 class UnsupportedEncodingException
          The Character Encoding is not supported.
 class UTFDataFormatException
          Signals that a malformed UTF-8 string has been read in a data input stream or by any class that implements the data input interface.
 class Writer
          Abstract class for writing to character streams.

Fields in declared as Object
protected  Object Reader.lock
          The object used to synchronize operations on this stream.
protected  Object Writer.lock
          The object used to synchronize operations on this stream.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 void PrintStream.print(Object obj)
          Print an object.
 void PrintStream.println(Object x)
          Print an Object and then terminate the line.

Constructors in with parameters of type Object
Reader(Object lock)
          Create a new character-stream reader whose critical sections will synchronize on the given object.
Writer(Object lock)
          Create a new character-stream writer whose critical sections will synchronize on the given object.

Uses of Object in java.lang

Subclasses of Object in java.lang
 class ArithmeticException
          Thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
 class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index.
 class ArrayStoreException
          Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store the wrong type of object into an array of objects.
 class Boolean
          The Boolean class wraps a value of the primitive type boolean in an object.
 class Byte
          The Byte class is the standard wrapper for byte values.
 class Character
          The Character class wraps a value of the primitive type char in an object.
 class Class
          Instances of the class Class represent classes and interfaces in a running Java application.
 class ClassCastException
          Thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance.
 class ClassNotFoundException
          Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name using the forName method in class Class but no definition for the class with the specified name could be found.
 class Double
          The Double class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object.
 class Error
          An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch.
 class Exception
          The class Exception and its subclasses are a form of Throwable that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch.
 class Float
          The Float class provides an object wrapper for Float data values, and serves as a place for float-oriented operations.
 class IllegalAccessException
          Thrown when an application tries to load in a class, but the currently executing method does not have access to the definition of the specified class, because the class is not public and in another package.
 class IllegalArgumentException
          Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
 class IllegalMonitorStateException
          Thrown to indicate that a thread has attempted to wait on an object's monitor or to notify other threads waiting on an object's monitor without owning the specified monitor.
 class IllegalStateException
          Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time.
 class IllegalThreadStateException
          Thrown to indicate that a thread is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector) is out of range.
 class InstantiationException
          Thrown when an application tries to create an instance of a class using the newInstance method in class Class, but the specified class object cannot be instantiated because it is an interface or is an abstract class.
 class Integer
          The Integer class wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object.
 class InterruptedException
          Thrown when a thread is waiting, sleeping, or otherwise paused for a long time and another thread interrupts it.
 class Long
          The Long class wraps a value of the primitive type long in an object.
 class Math
          The class Math contains methods for performing basic numeric operations.
 class NegativeArraySizeException
          Thrown if an application tries to create an array with negative size.
 class NoClassDefFoundError
          Thrown if the Java Virtual Machine tries to load in the definition of a class (as part of a normal method call or as part of creating a new instance using the new expression) and no definition of the class could be found.
 class NullPointerException
          Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required.
 class NumberFormatException
          Thrown to indicate that the application has attempted to convert a string to one of the numeric types, but that the string does not have the appropriate format.
 class OutOfMemoryError
          Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine cannot allocate an object because it is out of memory, and no more memory could be made available by the garbage collector.
 class Runtime
          Every Java application has a single instance of class Runtime that allows the application to interface with the environment in which the application is running.
 class RuntimeException
          RuntimeException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the Java Virtual Machine.
 class SecurityException
          Thrown by the system to indicate a security violation.
 class Short
          The Short class is the standard wrapper for short values.
 class String
          The String class represents character strings.
 class StringBuffer
          A string buffer implements a mutable sequence of characters.
 class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
          Thrown by the charAt method in class String and by other String methods to indicate that an index is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the string.
 class System
          The System class contains several useful class fields and methods.
 class Thread
          A thread is a thread of execution in a program.
 class Throwable
          The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java language.
 class VirtualMachineError
          Thrown to indicate that the Java Virtual Machine is broken or has run out of resources necessary for it to continue operating.

Methods in java.lang that return Object
 Object Class.newInstance()
          Creates a new instance of a class.

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type Object
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(Object obj)
          Appends the string representation of the Object argument to this string buffer.
static void System.arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dst, int dstPos, int length)
          Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
 boolean Boolean.equals(Object obj)
          Returns true if and only if the argument is not null and is a Boolean object that represents the same boolean value as this object.
 boolean Byte.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object to the specified object.
 boolean Character.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object against the specified object.
 boolean Double.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object against the specified object.
 boolean Float.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object against some other object.
 boolean Integer.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object to the specified object.
 boolean Long.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object against the specified object.
 boolean Object.equals(Object obj)
          Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
 boolean Short.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object to the specified object.
 boolean String.equals(Object anObject)
          Compares this string to the specified object.
static int System.identityHashCode(Object x)
          Returns the same hashcode for the given object as would be returned by the default method hashCode(), whether or not the given object's class overrides hashCode().
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.insert(int offset, Object obj)
          Inserts the string representation of the Object argument into this string buffer.
 boolean Class.isInstance(Object obj)
          Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with the object represented by this Class.
static String String.valueOf(Object obj)
          Returns the string representation of the Object argument.

Uses of Object in java.lang.ref

Subclasses of Object in java.lang.ref
 class Reference
          Abstract base class for reference objects.
 class WeakReference
          This class provides support for weak references.

Methods in java.lang.ref that return Object
 Object Reference.get()
          Returns this reference object's referent.

Constructors in java.lang.ref with parameters of type Object
WeakReference(Object ref)
          Creates a new weak reference that refers to the given object.

Uses of Object in java.util

Subclasses of Object in java.util
 class Calendar
          Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a Date object and a set of integer fields such as YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, and so on.
 class Date
          The class Date represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision.
 class EmptyStackException
          Thrown by methods in the Stack class to indicate that the stack is empty.
 class Hashtable
          This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
 class NoSuchElementException
          Thrown by the nextElement method of an Enumeration to indicate that there are no more elements in the enumeration.
 class Random
          An instance of this class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers.
 class Stack
          The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
 class Timer
          A facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread.
 class TimerTask
          A task that can be scheduled for one-time or repeated execution by a Timer.
 class TimeZone
          TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.
 class Vector
          The Vector class implements a growable array of objects.

Fields in java.util declared as Object
protected  Object[] Vector.elementData
          The array buffer into which the components of the vector are stored.

Methods in java.util that return Object
 Object Vector.elementAt(int index)
          Returns the component at the specified index.
 Object Vector.firstElement()
          Returns the first component of this vector.
 Object Hashtable.get(Object key)
          Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this hashtable.
 Object Vector.lastElement()
          Returns the last component of the vector.
 Object Enumeration.nextElement()
          Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide.
 Object Stack.peek()
          Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it from the stack.
 Object Stack.pop()
          Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that object as the value of this function.
 Object Stack.push(Object item)
          Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.
 Object Hashtable.put(Object key, Object value)
          Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
 Object Hashtable.remove(Object key)
          Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Object
 void Vector.addElement(Object obj)
          Adds the specified component to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
 boolean Calendar.after(Object when)
          Compares the time field records.
 boolean Calendar.before(Object when)
          Compares the time field records.
 boolean Hashtable.contains(Object value)
          Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
 boolean Vector.contains(Object elem)
          Tests if the specified object is a component in this vector.
 boolean Hashtable.containsKey(Object key)
          Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable.
 void Vector.copyInto(Object[] anArray)
          Copies the components of this vector into the specified array.
 boolean Calendar.equals(Object obj)
          Compares this calendar to the specified object.
 boolean Date.equals(Object obj)
          Compares two dates for equality.
 Object Hashtable.get(Object key)
          Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this hashtable.
 int Vector.indexOf(Object elem)
          Searches for the first occurrence of the given argument, testing for equality using the equals method.
 int Vector.indexOf(Object elem, int index)
          Searches for the first occurrence of the given argument, beginning the search at index, and testing for equality using the equals method.
 void Vector.insertElementAt(Object obj, int index)
          Inserts the specified object as a component in this vector at the specified index.
 int Vector.lastIndexOf(Object elem)
          Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified object in this vector.
 int Vector.lastIndexOf(Object elem, int index)
          Searches backwards for the specified object, starting from the specified index, and returns an index to it.
 Object Stack.push(Object item)
          Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.
 Object Hashtable.put(Object key, Object value)
          Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
 Object Hashtable.remove(Object key)
          Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.
 boolean Vector.removeElement(Object obj)
          Removes the first occurrence of the argument from this vector.
 int o)
          Returns the 1-based position where an object is on this stack.
 void Vector.setElementAt(Object obj, int index)
          Sets the component at the specified index of this vector to be the specified object.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ConnectionNotFoundException
          This class is used to signal that a connection target cannot be found, or the protocol type is not supported.
 class Connector
          This class is a placeholder for the static methods that are used for creating all the Connection objects.

Uses of Object in javax.microedition.midlet

Subclasses of Object in javax.microedition.midlet
 class MIDlet
          A MIDLet is a MID Profile application.
 class MIDletStateChangeException
          Signals that a requested MIDlet state change failed.

Uses of Object in javax.microedition.rms

Subclasses of Object in javax.microedition.rms
 class InvalidRecordIDException
          Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the record ID was invalid.
 class RecordStore
          A class representing a record store.
 class RecordStoreException
          Thrown to indicate a general exception occurred in a record store operation.
 class RecordStoreFullException
          Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the record store system storage is full.
 class RecordStoreNotFoundException
          Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the record store could not be found.
 class RecordStoreNotOpenException
          Thrown to indicate that an operation was attempted on a closed record store.

Uses of Object in junit.framework

Subclasses of Object in junit.framework
 class Assert
          A set of assert methods.
 class AssertionFailedError
          Thrown when an assertion failed.
 class ComparisonFailure
          Thrown when an assert equals for Strings failed.

Methods in junit.framework with parameters of type Object
static void Assert.assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual)
          Asserts that two objects are equal.
static void Assert.assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual)
          Asserts that two objects are equal.
static void Assert.assertNotNull(Object object)
          Asserts that an object isn't null.
static void Assert.assertNotNull(String message, Object object)
          Asserts that an object isn't null.
static void Assert.assertNotSame(Object expected, Object actual)
          Asserts that two objects refer to the same object.
static void Assert.assertNotSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual)
          Asserts that two objects refer to the same object.
static void Assert.assertNull(Object object)
          Asserts that an object is null.
static void Assert.assertNull(String message, Object object)
          Asserts that an object is null.
static void Assert.assertSame(Object expected, Object actual)
          Asserts that two objects refer to the same object.
static void Assert.assertSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual)
          Asserts that two objects refer to the same object.


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